Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mama Cardinal


  1. Shazam!

    Coldish today. You know spring's arrived when 50ยบ is cold rather than warm. . . .

  2. Hillary Clinton tries to show she's not racist with a skit/joke about coloured people…?

    1. She seems to live on a different planet than the rest of us. She need not inflict such damage on herself. Certainly it adds to the questions about her judgment.


  3. It's done!! The Sonroom has been painted and the furniture is back in the room! A little more rearranging and later this week we'll hang the pictures. My new art cart looks great in there!! I am soooo excited!!

    Mind you, I next need to turn my attention to the huge walk-in closet that is off that room, which has loads more stuff to sort through and file/toss/bin up. Once that is accomplished, my rack of art supplies will fit into that closet and I will have more space for my treadle sewing machine. Next up: We're putting a bed in the room, so we can have guests, even while our son is living with us. Meanwhile, though, we have usable space again! So I'm going to take off a week or two before the next big push. There's plenty of catch-up to do around the house as it is! But, hey, I'll get to go help at Bernie HQ again, at long last!!!

  4. Congratulations, listener! Sounds like a good place to take a break.

    On another note, I see here [Click] that a lot of people in New York who want to vote for Bernie have discovered they are on the wrong side of the voter registration laws. It seems that the deadlines are very early, but despite the fact I wish it were otherwise, I must admit that I have limited sympathy.

    Stuck overnight in Oakland, one court case continues at 9AM, another thereafter. Then off to San Diego Thursday morning.


    1. I agree that voters should know the rules and act accordingly. But I feel fairly strongly that the open primaries we have in Illinois are the right and proper way to go. And I really can't make any sense of what the Christian Science Monitor writer said: "The parties are in essence private clubs and get to determine how they choose their nominees. Even if some tax dollars get spent in the process." Caucuses are private clubs run by the party, but primaries are run by the state and it is the state that sets the rules.

    2. Indeed, citizens ought to be engaged and aware enough to be able to get themselves correctly registered to vote. At the same time, the rules and regulations are a mess and should be regularized. Saw somewhere the suggestion that all citizens should be automatically registered to vote on their eighteenth birthday. The idear certainly has merits, one of which is that the practice would per force do away with closed primaries.

      I agree that 50 degrees feels cold to me now, though we've had several days with temps hovering around the 50 degree mark.

      Continuing my reread of The Currents of Space.

      Up to 49 quizzes at Fun Trivia, 21 of those in the Humperdinck, Engelbert subcategory. I was planning to write a quiz on Torvill and Dean for my fiftieth quiz, the projected title being , "Go For Gold: The Phenomenal Torvill and Dean." But I left the research a bit late and I want to get at least a couple more Engelbert quizzes up before his Birthday on May Second. *sigh* We shall see.

    3. Yes, there have definitely been proposals that people should automatically be registered on their 18th birthday. I hadn't connected that to getting rid of registration by party. In fact, it would theoretically be possible to register everyone as an independent and require them to specify a party before they could vote in a primary. But it would at least encourage the idea of open primaries.
