Tuesday, September 16, 2014



  1. Howard would be most first once more!



  2. Am just finishing up on the first year of The West Wing (for the eighth time!). Not remotely bored yet, lol!

  3. puddle, you are very much ahead of me now! Ha!

  4. I had other plans for today...quilts to put together and so on. But I heard a big boom from my sewing room while downstairs. Went up and found that a shelf had given up the ghost and just collapsed. Made a big mess and I've been working on the sewing room all damn day and not even near to finished. I was already in a bad mood because I got a bill from Valley Pathologists yesterday. My first bill from them, mind you. In all caps the bill is printed with FINAL NOTICE: payment due upon receipt. Account may be sent to collections. And this was on the FIRST BILL I EVER GOT FROM THEM. Way to be compassionate , a-holes. People don't get sick on purpose. It's not like you go out shopping for a tumor. At a time when people are already anxious and stressed (I'm not but I know most people are) these guys come on like the g.d. gestapo. I am absolutely disgusted with them, and I intend to let them know in no uncertain terms. Sound like Teabagger-types with this bill.

    1. Susan! That's terrible!! Definitely let them know that you haven't received their notices until now. I think they owe you an extension and an apology. Someone should open a company that takes billing from medical offices and sends the bills to patients. They could turn it into a compassionate enterprise and not only send creative, well worded biking, but be able to explain someone's bill to them! A have a friend whose elderly Mom thinks a statement and a bill are the same thing. So when she receives a statement as the bill is being sent to her insurance company, she goes ahead and writes a check. Wild.

      I'm really sad your shelf gave way! Sounds like it was holding a lot of important things. I hope it's a lot nicer working in there once you have it sorted out. The middle shelf in our refrigerator door gives way at least once a month. It's a real pain when things spill out onto the tile kitchen floor. We've gotten careful about what we set on that shelf! Ha!

    2. Nope, I had the money and sent the check right away. What upset me is thinking of the people who *don't* have the money. In addition to worrying about their survival this dirtbag group now makes them worry about bill collectors coming after them. Why in the name of all that's good would you want to cause more suffering? That's just absolutely foul to me. They have FINAL NOTICE printed as part of their bill - they didn't add it. So I know they care for money more than humanity. And damn them for scaring people.

    3. Hmmmm....so far you have spread the word of their outrageous behavior coast to coast. Maybe a complaint to the Better Business Bureau would be in order. But no threats to do so--just do it. I remember a union field agent pointing out to us that saying "if you don't do x, we will to y" empowers the other side; never threaten--simply do what you think should be done.


    4. Susan, I suspect that it was not something you were intended to pay, or should pay. That they've submitted the bill to medicare, and it hasn't been paid yet, and this is their way of getting YOU to do the legwork. . . .

      And Alan's right: it's wrong.

    5. No, Medicare already paid their part. This just appears to be their general business practice - scare the money out of people. And, Alan, that's good advice. I made a copy of the front and the back of the original bill, so I have ammo.

    6. Well the, DAMN CREEPS! Go fer it!

  5. Second day at a trial in the out of town--about eleven hours round trip. After the same thing this past Thursday. And ordered to return at 0830 Thursday. All for what seems to be a bog-standard misdemeanor DUI alcohol case. The judge seems much more than a bit irritated by the defense attorney's dilatory tactics; I figure that the attorney's fees will constitute an additional punishment for the defendant.

    Friday morning we set out for my 50th year high school reunion--I'm taking Friday through Monday off. Should be good. Dinner (and Sunday brunch) will be at the local Senior Center [Gack! Gack! Gack!], which is a repurposed part of the old junior high school. (The current junior high school is the old high school, next door.) Out of a class of 118, of whom 21 are known to have passed away, 40 are signed up. Considering the relative remoteness of the town, that isn't a half-bad turnout. On the way we will stay overnight at a hot spring resort in Calistoga. [The legend is that the developer of the town was in his cups when, intending to say he would make it "the Saratoga of California," he said he would make it "the Calistoga of Sarafornia." And the name stuck.]

