Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Black-Eyed Susans


  1. Howard is still first.

    I got good news today. My OncotypeDX number came in low - a 7. That means I have a very low (6%) chance of recurrence over the next 10 years. I don't have to do chemo or radiation, just take a little estrogen-blocking pill. So I'm pretty much good to go and quite happy about it too.

  2. ((( (( ♥ SUSAN!! ♥ )) )))

    Such Fabulous news!!! This calls for a Happy Dance!

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    Susan is First too! Yeeeaaggghhhhh!!!

    So glad I posted the Susans photo today!!! :-D

  3. Ah, Susan, that is just *wonderful*!!!

  4. Well, VERY VERY GOOD! And I expect that 6% figure doesn't factor in the excellent surgical results. Whoopee!


  5. Now spinning up a bit of Mississippi Fred McDowell....with my new headphones and headphone amp....primo music....
    Will peruse the news and then to bed.
