Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Fruit Tree: East Coast


  1. Geography matters. So does Howard Dean.

    To Cat's comment on the last thread: Just looking at the calendar, I consider February -- at least early February -- the dead of winter. December, not so much. The fact that snow and cold arrived so early this year is why we think it should be over by now.

    Incidentally, 7-1/2" overnight. With flurries still coming down.

  2. That's about what we got, Bill! And where we're at. :-)

  3. Our local forecaster's snow map was WRONG. Up here where he predicted 3-5", we got more like 8" and have 11" on the ground. The local schools did not take a snow day, so my 4-6pm watercolour class was not cancelled. The town plows concentrated on the main roads, leaving the back roads largely unplowed, so it was a white knuckle sleigh ride to class and later to home. But I made it there and back again. And when I got home I got to shovel! I love to shovel!

    1. So glad you got your heart's wish, listener, grin. . . .

  4. Off to Capricon tomorrow (SF convention in northern suburbs). Don't know if I'll have time to check in before I leave. Back Sunday evening.

    Tomorrow night I'll be doing a party ("hospitality suite" in official hotel lingo) on behalf of the train trip to next year's Worldcon I'm organizing. Wish me luck!

  5. All good luck and blessings, Bill. And Traveling Mercies! :-)
    Come back and tell us all about it.

  6. Has anyone heard from Susan lately?
    Hoping all is well. I miss her wit and news of her quilts and Grands!!
