Monday, January 06, 2014

☆ Happy Epiphany Birthday, Catreona! ☆


  1. 43.5F with rain and wind. I just got up to check and [wait for it...] our birches are standing up again!!! They'd been bent clear to the ground for 15 days! There also seems to be a big branch down in the driveway. We'll see for sure come daylight.

    1. Yes, we had a big branch down. But the birches really are standing up!! They're getting there, anyway. :-)
      Cold setting in again, ahead of some more moderate temps next weekend. As I understand it, we'll have a January Thaw mid-month, followed by some storms end of Jan - early Feb. Make hay while the sun shines, folks! ;-)

  2. Computer still says it's -15F in Oak Park. Official low at O'Hare was -16F -- a record low for the date but still 11 deg above the all-time low. Mostly sunny but windy. Wind chill is somewhere in the range -30 to -50. I'm very glad tomorrow's parade committee meeting has been postponed a week.

    1. Good Lord, Bill! Stay inside and stay warm, my friend!

    2. Oh, *I'm* staying inside. Penny shoveled the snow. :-)

    3. And despite staying inside, keeping truly warm remains a bit beyond me. I'm upstairs, with a shirt-jac on top of my warmest shirt on top of thermal long-johns (top and bottom), with pants an socks. And still a bit chilly.

    4. What sort of heat have you, Bill? This is the sort of cold that begs an electric blanket. I recommend the kind that has dual controls, incase Penny is a different level of cold than yourself. ;-)

    5. Heat is circulating hot water. When we got our current high-efficiency unit we were told it wasn't large enough to manage below-zero temps, but one that could handle extreme temps would be less efficient.

      Penny refuses to consider electric blankets. But it's always possible to simply add more covers. Once of the attractions of early-to-bed in this weather.

  3. Most happy of HAPPIES, Cat!! Sounds like you had a lovely early celebration. And what? No chiles rellenos?

    1. Thanks, Puddle♥ Na, I thought about it but decided to play it safe. *grin*

  4. . . . . . . .♥ . ♥. .♥ . ♥ . ♥ . ♥. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . .||..||..||..||..||..||. . . . . . .
    ~~~~~~~♥ H A P P Y ♥~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~♥ B I R T H D A Y ♥~~~~~
    ~~~~~♥ C A T R E O N A ♥~~~~~
