Monday, December 09, 2013

Bright Morning, with Chickadee


  1. Morning, noon or night, Howard is first.

  2. Our storm gave us a good dusting of snow. At least, where our family gathering will be, weekend after next, they got several inches of snow!

  3. Chickadees and Juncos are my favorite birds. Mostly seeing cardinals and blue jays now though. Our town asked us to stop feeding the birds because too many predators were moving into the suburbs - coyotes and stuff. Tonight we're getting another snow storm, though this one is supposed to be mild compared to our last one. Hope it's not too bad as I have four boxes I was hoping to get to the post office tomorrow.

  4. Finally found the way to just remove the offending update (after my system restore points moved after 12/1 and I could no longer get a restore at all).

    It's an update to Internet Explorer, of all things. Vile vile vile.

    Sunny and warm today. New cold streak begins tomorrow.

  5. Finally back from SMOFcon. Enjoyed the con. Not just, or perhaps even primarily, the panels, but had some good planning discussions with the people I'll be working with at Sasquan. (That's the 2015 World Science Fiction Convention. Remember the name. I'll be mentioning it a lot.)

    The return trip no so much. Started out I apparently didn't understand where to catch the shuttle back to the airport; ended up taking a cab. Got to the airport in time to grab a quick bite before the plane was due to start loading. Except the plane was still sitting on the ground in Chicago. And it sat. And it sat. Finally got off the ground 3 hours late (Chicago snow). At which point we got word that, yes, it was on its way to Toronto. But it wouldn't be returning to Chicago. Flight cancelled. So the airline put me on a 5 p.m. flight today. And made a reservation for me at an airport hotel (which I had to pay for myself).

    So today's plane was most of an hour late, but that's not so bad. Biggest problem was that I was dressed to Toronto weekend weather in the mid-30s. Arrived in Chicago to temps in the mid-teens and dropping rapidly (now 3F). But Marcus picked me up and I got home, had dinner, and am now about ready for bed.

  6. Incidentally, Cat, I liked the picture. First time I've had to chance to know what you look like. Which reminds me that I should do something about getting my picture up.
