Monday, November 26, 2012

Lake Water with Dogwood


  1. Howard of the fifty state strategy is still first!

    Mitt is *officially* at 47%!! 47.49%

    The President is over 50% in 11 of the 12 swing states. All except NC.

    I don't think there are enough votes yet to be counted to drop him below that 47%. . . .

    The mills of the Gods grind exceeding slow, and exceeding fine. . . .

  2. Ah, that's gratifying to see!

    Well, I was supposed to lead my peer group meeting and meet with my spiritual guide today in Concord NH. It was snowing here ("20% chance of snow flurries") pretty heavily, though not windy and the weather in Concord was sunny and in the 40's. As I was packing up to go, Mah*Sweetie (who'd left for his half hour drive to work about an hour before) called to say he was sitting in stopped traffic on the Interstate. It had been stopped for so long that some people were getting out of their cars. It turned out that the roads were coated in black ice and many cars couldn't make it up various hills. There were a number of accidents, and last I heard one death. It took him two hours to get to work, so I called a Concord member of the peer group, and he kindly lead in my stead. None of it was predicted, but with ice all bets are off. Sweetie said eventually a police cruiser came up through the middle of the two lanes of traffic, and everyone skooched over, so a sand and salt truck could come through and salt the hill. It was the only truck of the sort he saw, all the way to work. Bleah.

    1. Sounds like a good think you hadn't gotten started.

    2. I meant to type "thing," but it's good as it stands.

  3. My trip that was supposed to start tomorrow will instead start the day after tomorrow. I am heading to Philadelphia for a convention of people who run science fiction conventions. The original plan was that I would stop over to visit a friend in Lancaster Country, but he will be starting pre-medication for his eye operation Thursday -- when the plan was he'd drive me on to Philadelphia -- so I will take the train straight on through.

    1. Well, Bill, it sounds like a long trip, but with a good book and maybe a nap it sounds like it could be relaxing. Have a good time at the convention for convention runners! Wow, what must the conventions for the people who run conventions for the people who run conventions be like? ;-)

      Traveling Mercies!

    2. Thanks listener. Yes, I'll have a book or two or three on my netbook. And hope for a bit more than a nap. Because I'll be changing trains in Pittsburgh at literally 0 dark 30, I won't have sleeping accommodations on the trip there, although I will on the trip back through NYC.
