Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lookin' for a little bit of rainbow?



  1. Gorgeous, Puddle.

    And, Howard would be first.

  2. Indeed!

    And I'm off to bed. Sweet ones everbuddy!

  3. A wonderful quilt, listener--a real heirloom.

    Which Vancouver was your arctic explorer heading for? The one in Washington, or the one in British Columbia?

    The documentary "Absinthe" on was pretty good. I had fun pushing the buttons on the commercials that said they didn't apply to me...

    I thought I could use a refresher on some of the finer points of the slide rule I bought to keep in my brief case (the 8-inch one). Especially since the design is a classical (1850) one that I had never used before. So I set to work reading the manual (copyright 1965). On the back cover they say it is "Small enough to fit coat-pocket, notebook or [N.B.:] purse..." Proceeding to the acknowledgements, we read: "It is vital to begin training tomorrow's men [emphasis added] of science early by giving them the best tools and most efficient instruction possible." Are we to suppose that the men of science were to rely upon their lady friends to pack their slide rules around in their purses? [grin] A different world it was; we have actually come quite a way, eh?

  4. Ah, puddle! How you found time in your wild schedule to post a photo amazes me, and I am extremely grateful. I fully intended to post more photos but apparently I didn't get there.

    I will surely have more fun than you this weekend, but I believe I will be just as exhaustified!

    Tonight the Groom came over to listen to our song together and see what to do by way of dancing. I had some idears and he liked them but we decided it would be best to use just a few of them so that our dance doesn't come off looking better than his with his Bride! LOL! Danny Kaye he ain't. ;-)

    We had a good long talk and I helped him calm down about his long list of things he still needed to accomplish tonight. The one Necessary Thing on the list is that he still needed to Write his Vows!! So before I dropped him off at home we sat in the car awhile outside his place and I asked him some questions to help him consider what he has to say.

    A half hour later he emailed to tell me he had 7 things done already. A little while ago he messaged that he his vow mostly written and added "Whoo hoo!" ! so I believe I did a good job being MOG tonight. (Mother of Groom) :-)

  5. Thanks sooo much for all the lovely comments about the quilt tonight!!!

    I'll be posting close ups of parts of the quilt over the coming week. :-)

  6. And now that feature you've all been waiting for:

    The Dress Update

    I called the seamstress today to confirm our appointment and she said to meet at her house at 5:00pm. So I got to the seamstress' house for our appointment and she wasn't there. I called her shop and was told she'd had a "brain freeze" and had left 10 minutes ago. So I said to tell her not to break any speed limits and I would run an errand. Came back at 5:40pm and the long and the short of it is that the "it'll only take 10 minutes" lasted an hour and a half, but my dress now fits me! Pray that a kind dry cleaner will be so good as to press it for me tomorrow as we leave Friday morning for the wedding site!

    And...(sitting down)...that same seamstress made a muck of the Bride's mother's new (royal blue) dress, so they went shopping for a new dress (which took 5 hours), and she's happy with her new navy blue dress. I am laughing about it, since I waited months for her to choose her dress style and colour before picking my dress, and she has had two other dresses since then!

    I think we're running out of things that could go wrong (knock mahogany). LOL!

  7. Alan...I am assuming the one in BC, but we'll see.

  8. Thank you, Alan! ♥

    I *do* mean to send you an e-mail, but I keep forgetting to do stuff lately, saw you here, and didn't want to forget completely.

  9. Now that the rat cage has been relocated to the living room, Stevie has a show he can watch in the morning without turning on the television and waking anyone who was hoping to sleep in. Regarding the book that's under the remote--don't worry, he assures me that he plans to devote time to preparing for his CLEP exams later today. Right now is Stevie's "me time".

  10. Long time ago, I was watching a nature show with lions and tigers and. . . oh, my! The cat seemed to recognize the connection: she got on top of the tv and was trying to scoop out the little lions and tigers with her paw. . . . She wasn't interested in elephants and zebras. . . .

  11. Bill Thomasson8/11/2011 11:31:00 AM

    Good article on pointing out just how crucial the Tea Party's brinksmanship was to S&P"s decision to downgrade the country's debt rating. Including the Tea Party's ability to convince S&P that it can somehow block the *automatic* tax increase at the end of next year. See

  12. Bill Thomasson8/11/2011 11:32:00 AM

    Good assumption, I think. I doubt if the one in Washington has a major airport -- it's too close to Portland.

  13. You notice in the comments that the TP's don't see it at all. I've never dealt with such willful ignorance in my lifetime.

  14. Whenever there's any kind of cat on the television I point it out to Vivie. But whether it's a housecat on a commercial or a gorgeous cheta(sp?) on a nature program, she is totally uninterested.

  15. Puddle, Sis says thanks for your help. She thinks she's got Vanguard's street address pinned down.

    Can't remember if I've told you guys about The Socks. Each of them has knitted into it a little surfer guy and his wave, with the foam done in angora. Tres cute.

  16. Oh, and my friend Linda Rose and her daughter are not in Manchester proper, and have not seen any of the rioting, thank God. But, her son is in central Liverpool and has seen it. She's very worried about him.

  17. Have bystanders been hurt? Remembering the MLK riots, they were virtually 100% property oriented.

  18. How did she get his foot size? And yep, they sound just darling!

  19. Three young men, one of them twenty-one, were struck by a car while trying to protect their shops in Birmingham. They later died in hospital. I think the authorities have the driver in custody. Haven't had the heart to check the news today. I fervently hope no one else has been killed.

    You've probably heard, but it turns out that the young man whose shooting death by London police sparked this whole mess had not fired at the police after all, as was originally put out. The very idea of Bobbies carrying fire arms, much less shooting people, gives me the shivery chills. Seems Britain is growing more like America every day, and not in a good way.

  20. Foot size? Details, details.

    Candidly, I haven't had the nerve to ask about that.

  21. That surprised me, too. A police force which carries guns attracts a whole different breed of cat from the ones that don't. Somewhere in the mid seventies I found an article that pointed out that from 1900 till then only six police had been killed in Britain. The US was averaging that every month.

  22. According to the News Hour, today was tense but quiet.

  23. Not at my house! LOL!
