Friday, June 03, 2011

Who wants to adopt me? =^. .^=


  1. Who wants to adopt Howard Dean?
    Or, at least, his idears.
    After all, he's First!

  2. So, I'm back from gathering groceries and doing two loads of laundry and am about to start the dishwasher.

    puddle, I admire and esteem you for your water gathering efforts!
    I'm thinking how that's one of kinds of tasks that all humans need to be engaged in to keep fit.
    Sure beats spending for the gym, wastes so much less energy than a gym, and it's useful too!

    =Good on you!!=

  3. Lol! I've had similar thoughts. On the other hand, I did just tell the kiddle that if he wants to keep gardening here, he needs to think about some kind of pump. Or maybe an extension on the spring run hose. . . . I'm willing to contribute my former tub (the 110 gallon stock tank) to the cause. . . .

  4. Hi, Alan! How's by you?

    Pretty day here: sunny and cool (60ยบ). Bit of wind. Life is good.

    listener: isn't that just like cats? To be so cute and charming *exactly* when they need a home?

  5. Bill Thomasson6/03/2011 12:09:00 PM

    Predicted high here is mid-80s. With moderate humidity and a nice breeze, that's my idea of a perfect summer day.

  6. Mine, too, Bill!


    Dr. Kevorkian died at 83. He wasn't an easy man to love, but was a hard man not to admire.

  8. My son Robin has a non-profit that grows food for the local food banks. He and three others are doing all of this without pay, in addition to their day jobs. Last year they grew 3000 lbs of produce and it was all taken home by needy families within 24 hours of harvest. This year they are growing 25,000 lbs of produce because the National Gardening Association has granted them a half acre of its land, for gardening. They would like to set up a greenhouse dome at the center of the garden and thereby grow fresh food year round for the food banks! They have a chance to be awarded enough money to bring this dream to reality. But they need our help. Please consider voting for their idea here:

    You can vote TODAY, and once every day until June 30th! That $50k could kickstart a never-ending supply of organic food for at-risk populations! Just click the link here or text 107045 to Pepsi (73774). Thanks!

  9. For more information about their work:

  10. ♡ Ally Update Preview ♡

    Because Ally has to have scans again, she will have to miss the last day of school.

    Stay tuned for more once a post is up and I send it along to puddle. And...thanks. ♡

  11. Beautiful day here. Altogether. But went to Sugar Grove. And one of my two "country stores" is shutting down. He's going back to Maryland and taking back his old job. Wants to get out before he has to declare bankruptcy. This was his dream, and I feel so bad for him.
