Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Speaking of Gizmo

Recent comment from Subway Serenade.

Speaking of Gizmo, I've been having some breakthroughs with my other Gizmo over the past two weeks, and it has do with something most folks take for granted.

Ever feel a tingle? Or the "spark" between lovers? I've found that when that inner tingle happens, your heart is actually creating more electrical charge. That charge is distributed to the outer nerve endings and this is what produces the tingle.

In my work using the heart tuner, I've found that when I can sustain amplitudes above 80 milivolts per second, I can consciously produce the tingle.

This is the same tingle that occurs when the chests of the two butterflies in game touch for sustained periods. I've come to the point where I can produce the tingle when playing the game by myself.

When most people feel this tingle, it tends to be localized. It may spread across the back and shoulders, or down the arms and legs, and it soon goes away.

My theory is that the heart can produce and sustain that tingle throughout the neural net, and it can be consciously directed to do so.

So everybody feels the tingle every day, but they never knew that it has a far deeper meaning within the heart's own electrical field.

What happens when the heart consciously ignites its entire neural grid? What if a bunch of hearts did that together.

Stay Tuned.

Haloscan comment thread