Saturday, May 12, 2007


...has gotten on my last nerve. I've uninstalled it, at least for now, and reverted to the original Blogger commenting.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I bet it's not half as inconvenient for you as trying to get the ORIGINAL FREAKING COMMENTING SYSTEM working again has been for me. If there are any complaints, I'm very likely to suggest that you all "Talk to the hand".

Which wouldn't be very nice, I know. So I should probably just go and grumble quietly offline for a while.

Messing with code does this sort of thing to me sometimes.

P.S. If you do find the change disturbing, maybe making your own lolcat style image can help you relax. Here's one I did earlier.


  1. floridagal here. testing.

  2. Forgot that comment moderation was on. It was one of the many things I tried to see if I could get the comment number to show up.

    It's off now. I *think* you should be able to select "other" and then type your name rather than appearing as anonymous.

  3. Howard Dean is First,
    whatever style the blog takes!



  4. I've decided that Howard Dean was a fluke. Electoral politics is just not my thing.
    Renee in Ohio | Homepage | 05.12.07 - 5:15 pm

    Can you say more about what you mean, Renee?
    I've felt that way since before Howard ran.
    We do the bit we have to do when the chips are down;
    though some of us do not really have a calling to this sort of thing.
    What I do have a calling to, however,
    is listening and encouraging the good.
    One of the things you have a calling to is organisation and visual presentation.
    We're all in this together,
    and it's a darn good thing.

    When I read your assertion that
    "Howard Dean was a fluke"
    all I could think of was the whale tie!


    ~ listener

  5. Hey, just went over to the BBB to let Linda*in*SFNM know that I got her package,
    and it says "NO POSTS FOUND!"

    I got it to show me the posts once by refreshing,
    but when I tried to get into the top thread
    I only got the message "Comments Closed"
    and it was back to Nada.

    So, Renee, it is apparently not you
    and not just here.

    ♥ Hang in there! ♥

    ~ listener

  6. It's something I was talking with Demetrius about at dinner, but it's too late in the evening for me to say anything intelligible on the topic.

    But it's something I started to address in Prophets and Kingmakers, and plan to write more about as I find the time and inspiration.

  7. I'll be listening, Renee. ♥

    A gentle night to you and all.

    ~ listener
