Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fitzmas Update

Been a while since we heard anything about Patrick Fitzgerald and the Scooter Libby case, but there seems to be some action now. Via a Kos diary by seesdifferent, entitled Scooter's graymail defense fails...

When last we left the Scooter, he and his vaunted defense team were trying to foist the dreaded "greymail" defense on Judge Reggie Walton. Briefly, "greymail" is light "blackmail." The defendant claims that in order to present a defense, he must disclose the ubiquitous "classified information." Since the court obviously can't have our valuable classified information disclosed, the case get dismissed. Clever, yes?

Now, in the other corner, weighing in at heartstopping 6-1, 205 pounds, is the light heavy weight champion of government litagation and master of the all the women he surveys, Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

Well, the black hats and the Mighty Fitz have been mixin it up for many months, submittin and rebuttin and filin and all that stuff. Judge Walton opined that Scooter had to get SOMETHING....But, in the tenth and final round, Fitz submitted a laundry list of substitutions and redactions that he felt would fill the bill of allowing Scooter to plead "I was busy", yet would not be classified.
See also looseheadprop's post, No Greymail For You, over at Firedoglake, where commenters are once again breaking out the Fitzmas carols.

Graphic courtesy of About.com Political Humor.

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