Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday Evening

This is a Kos diary by Terri, aka terrintokyo4dfa

Low-income/People of Color-led/Grassroots Katrina Relief

If you're a Daily Kos member, please recommend. Here's a comment Terri made after the diary:

I was hoping to rally the Kossacks to help, and, with that in mind, I'll keep posting this for the next few days, until maybe a frontpager takes it up...it's very frustrating, as people are talking about the need for help for the poor and people of color on so many other threads, but here are direct ways to help...
Come on, people--this is Terri in Tokyo. She's come all the way from Japan, *twice* for DeanFest. This Terri in Tokyo:

So go ahead--recommend it already. Okay, maybe you're not a Kos member...you can still crosspost her link on *another* blog or Dean Yahoo group, can't you?

A couple new posts have gone up at Blog for America:

Let's come together and get to work by Jim Dean...includes a link to DFA Link, which I have also added to the right side of the page here.

Tuesday News Roundup by Tara Liloia
Includes Dean's Take on Bush's Disaster, Rehnquist's Coffin Lies in Court, and The Disaster After the Disaster

Before I sign off for the night, I'd like to thank uinen, who just reintroduced herself in the comments as Catreona, for accepting my invitation to help with the care and feeding of this blog. The "comment spam" is a real PITA, but I've turned off word verification, so I definitely appreciate the additional help in zapping those nasty little fake comments.

Finally, links to the two radio spots I transcribed today. I'm not likely to do that sort of thing often, but since I went to the trouble, I'm bloody well going to repost these links. ;-)

Howard Dean on Randi Rhodes--partial transcript
Transcript of "Houston, we may have a problem"--the segment on The Marketplace on which Barbara Bush commented that "so many of the people in the arenas here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is--this is working very well for them."

Good night, everyone.


  1. Hi Renee and friends,

    I'm now safely in the Shadow Blog fold. Thanks for sending me the invite, Renee.

    You were talking before about getting a better name. Here are a few suggestions:

    Shadow of a Blogger
    Shadow of a Deaniac
    Shadow Democracy
    Democracy in the Shadows
    Shadow Deaniac
    The Dean Democrat

    On another subject, I've had something of a revelation. As you may know, my christian name is Kerry. I've always hated it. However, I eventually discovered that it is, like Catreona, a Celtic diminuative for Katherine. I like Katherine.

    Don't know why it never occurred to me to do this before, but henceforth here and on any other blogs I may visit, including BFA, my handle will be Catreona. It is vaguely related to my christian name, and I like it a whole lot better. Also, it's not quite as wierd as Uinen to the average non-Tolkien fan. Easier to spell and pronounce too. It does have a literary connection, CATREONA being the sequal to KIDNAPPED. All in all, a phelicitous choice. Just wish I'd thought of it sooner, so everybody wouldn't have a hard time adjusting.

    Good night, friends.

    Howard Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hey, donnainevanston! I'm logged on! Pollution was too much for me as well.

    Wish we could get more folks to crossover on cue and maybe, just maybe, HQ would get a clue. (Hi, rich!)

  3. I stopped back for a few minutes. Waiting for the inevitable rush of hot air.

    Sleepless, is the Bring Them Home Now Tour going to be out in your area?

  4. Nope. Unfortunately not. Did you see the photos my brother in Austin took of the Tour as it passed through? I can repost the link.

  5. donnainevanston --- Don't you think Ray Nagin is a complete zero?

  6. I didn't see the pix. My blogging is erratic these days. I won't be online for long, but do post the link again. If I don't catch it now, I will tomorrow.

  7. I'm kidding, you know...

    Just echoing the Great Bloviator in his attempts to irk as many DFAers as possible.

  8. I'm not sure what to make of Nagin. I didn't know anything about him before the hurricane. I liked his forthright comments regarding his anger at the administration, but I'm not decided on whether or not he dropped the ball before that. I don't believe what I read or hear in the MSM, so I'm not forming a definitive picture.

    Plus, he will have a lot of explainin' to do as this story continues to unfold.

    You seem to have a clearer impression than I do.

  9. donna--the tour is coming to Columbus on Thursday, just in time for my daughter's birthday. Her official celebration is going to be a little later, but I do think she would enjoy going there with me. She used to go to peace rallies with me a couple years ago, and she's been following the Cindy Sheehan story along with me. When I commented about Bush being on vacation and not wanting to talk to her, my daughter said, "You wouldn't think you'd have to have the 'responsibility talk' with a grown-up, but I guess sometimes you do..."

  10. I would love to stay here and talk, but this has been a really long day and I have to be at work early tomorrow.

    Y'know what. It's nice here. Friendly.

  11. LOL! Just had another "disappeared" post. A girl could get parnoid. . . .

  12. Okay, I give up: it disappeared a second time. Something here does not like something there, lol!!
