Something Cool
Classic Strawberry Daiquiri [Click]
Nonalcoholic Strawberry Daiquiri [Click]
Banana Daiquiri (with or without alcohol)">Banana Daquiri
June Christie: Something Cool (YouTube) [Click]
Classic Strawberry Daiquiri [Click]
Nonalcoholic Strawberry Daiquiri [Click]
Banana Daiquiri (with or without alcohol)">Banana Daquiri
June Christie: Something Cool (YouTube) [Click]
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1:00:00 AM
Nature's Wonders: The Amazing Sea Slug Absurd Creature of the Week: This Crazy-Looking Sea Slug Has an Ingenious Secret Weapon [Click]
All over our world’s oceans, the many astoundingly colored species of nudibranch are eating things like the vicious Portuguese man o' war, incorporating their stingers or toxins into their own skin, and using them to fend off predators.
- (Wired: November, 2014
Nudibranch on Wikipedia [Click]
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1:00:00 PM
NASA discovers giant question mark where universe failed to render correctly [Click]
">NASA discovers giant question mark where universe failed to render correctly
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1:00:00 PM
Loch Nest sailed around that point, past the lighthouse, and into this new Marina!
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1:00:00 AM
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