Open Thread (with cake and ponies)
First of all, a very Happy Birthday to my Mom!

And next, a funny pony.
Haloscan comment thread
First of all, a very Happy Birthday to my Mom!
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
4:51:00 PM
I may or may not have mentioned that I have Google set as my home page. This is handy because I can log in to both Blogger and my e-mail from there. Also, it's a relatively innocuous page to have as the first thing I see when I get on the computer--I don't run a risk of being faced with a sad, horrifying, or maddening news headline the moment I venture onto the tubes. The upshot is that, if Google has a special treatment on their logo for a holiday or whatever, I see that right away. This morning I was greeted with this.Ooh. Pretty. But what does it mean? I clicked, and it turns out the first laser was operated on May 16, 1960. So, Happy Birthday to frickin' laser beams.
Incidentally, I am not a huge fan of the Austin Powers movies. I kind of liked the first one, and didn't like the second. I think there was a third, but never saw it. But I did get a kick out of that scene, and think of it every time someone mentions laser beams.
By the way, I am interested in hearing suggestions people have of good movies to watch and fun board games to play with the kids, who are now 12 and 14.
Update: I've added a few new links to my shared items. Greetings from "The State of Perfect Balance".
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
7:18:00 AM
We recently watched The Empire Strikes Back with the kids, so I've had this song in my head for the past couple days.
Update: I just watched Howard Dean's appearance on last night's episode of The Tonight Show. It is available online here.
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
8:16:00 PM
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:01:00 AM
From Thankful over at BFA...
In Remembrance
~* ♥*~ ♥ ~* ♥ *~~* ♥ *~ ♥ ~* ♥ *~~* ♥ *~ ♥ ~* ♥ *~
Judy Lynne Cadoret
20 March 1957 - 13 May 2007
Much love, admiration, and damn it we miss you
~* ♥ *~ ♥ ~* ♥ *~~* ♥ *~ ♥ ~* ♥ *~~* ♥ *~ ♥ ~* ♥ *~
Thanks to Karen for posting this in the last thread.
Posted by
4:59:00 PM
Labels: Abscent Friends
This is my officially crabby-ass bad mood song. Posting it makes me feel a tiny bit better. Thank you for indulging me.
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
9:10:00 PM
In honor of the occasion, here's a picture of the first two dogs my mother raised for Canine Companions.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:01:00 AM
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