Open Thread
more music charts
(Decided to go with a GraphJam image in honor of Daughter having a math competition in the morning.)
more music charts
(Decided to go with a GraphJam image in honor of Daughter having a math competition in the morning.)
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:19:00 AM
Posted by
10:05:00 PM
I've started reading Dark Nights of the Soul, by Thomas Moore. I was really struck by this particular metaphor, and thought I'd share it tonight...
A dark night of the soul may feel amorphous, having no meaning, shape, or direction. It helps to have images for it and to know that people have gone through this experience and have survived it. The great stories and myths of many cultures also help by providing an imagination of human struggle that inspires and offers insight. One ancient story that sheds light on the dark night is the tale of the hero swallowed by a huge fish. The hero, or better, antihero - he is the victim of circumstances - simply sits in the bowels of the fish as it carries him through the water. Because the story is associated with the sun setting in the west and traveling underwater to the east to rise in the morning, this theme is sometimes called the "Night Sea Journey." It is a cosmic passage taken as a metaphor for our own dark nights, when we are trapped in a mood or by external circumstances and can do little but sit and wait for liberation.
Imagine that your dark mood, or the external source of your suffering, is a large, living container in which you are held captive. But this container is moving, getting somewhere, taking you to where you need to go. You may not like the situation you're in, but it would help if you imagined it constructively. Maybe at this very minute you are on a night sea journey of your own.
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:18:00 AM
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