Open Thread
Looks like time for a fresh canvas. Enjoy.
"Eric Crapton" CD cover courtesy of
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Looks like time for a fresh canvas. Enjoy.
"Eric Crapton" CD cover courtesy of
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
10:26:00 PM
Marcia Moody and I are in Phoenix attending the national meeting of the DNC. It has been quite an education. We started with a reception Thursday evening hosted by PDA (Progressives Democrats of America). We got to listen to true progressives like Mimi Kennedy (actress, activist and PDA board member) Tom Hayden, and our own Deaniac, Terry Lierman, now chair of the Democratic Party in Maryland. Terry was the one helping Dean at the March for Women's Lives in 2004 and he also was Dean's campaign manager for Maryland during the campaign.
Yesterday, we attended a series of caucuses. The Hispanic Caucus was the best, as the issues they discussed are near and dear to me living in Arizona. Very powerful speakers really kept me alert. The Republicans are trying to pass an initiative that would amend the Colorado constitution to basically create a Nazi system of spying on your neighbor and reporting them to if you suspect someone is an undocumented immigrant because they check out a Spanish language book in the library. In Arizona, we passed prop 200 which is a racist proposition and an attempt to hurt Democrats. Turns out at least in the last City Council race it actually inadvertantly hurt Republicans just as much.
We were blessed to have Howard speak at both our Western Regional caucus and Hispanic caucus. It turns out he also spoke at the Women's caucus which Marcia attended (I missed it).
In the evening, the Arizona Democratic Party sponsored a reception. This was a great opportunity to mingle. Governor Dean was just standing there talking to one person, so Marcia headed over to chat with him. She was a little mad at me because I chose the food buffet instead.
Later, a few of the Tucson original Deaniacs got a chance to get our picture taken with Howard. I feel for his handler, Fred, because everyone was bombarding him to try and get a pic with Howard. I really didn't know what to say to Howard. He never really remembers me, and was struggling to read my upsidedown name tag as I negated to introduce myself again. All I could think of to say was to tell him about the good news of Melissa Taylor getting hired as the Executive Director for Harris county in Texas. I guess I shouldn't feel badly because he didn't recognize her name either until I mentioned the Morrison campaign and then it seemed to trigger that recognition. Of course, he ALWAYS remembers Marcia. Marcia told me not to feel badly, that she had to meet him 13 times before she was sure he remembered her...and I have only met him 7 now. :)
The one oddity of the evening is that three times they tried to get us to move over to a local casino where they were partying or something. Most of us had no desire to go but it came across as an 'order'. I finally asked the speaker why they were telling us to go over to a casino when we were happy at the reception talking with one another. I think it was sponsored by the Young Democrats of America and it sounded like a lot of 'fun' to them, lol. I am not sure if anyone actually went to the casino or if they had a separate reception there because we ended up having a mini-meeting on women's issues in the political sphere.
This morning I am at the General Session, and guess who is the main speaker? Yes, you got it. He is now speaking to non-stop standing ovations. He is really *on*. Renee, you should be thrilled that I am blogging here with wifi instead of intently listening to Howard. Don't worry...I am hearing the main points.
Later today I will see him again at the volunteer awards dinner. I am trying to get into the pre-session to take pictures for people. I hope to have more reports to follow.
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
4:09:00 PM
From the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
"I'm afraid you're going to have to accept it," said Mr Prosser gripping his fur hat and rolling it round the top of his head, "this bypass has got to be built and it's going to be built!"
"First I've heard of it," said Arthur, "why's it going to be built?"
Mr Prosser shook his finger at him for a bit, then stopped and put it away again.
"What do you mean, why's it got to be built?" he said. "It's a bypass. You've got to build bypasses."
At 9:39 p.m. on December 5, 2003, in the Drive for Democracy: Innovation and Energy in Orlando thread on the official Dean blog, Grandma J wrote:
"Someone way up above mentioned a roll call. Does anyone remember the Sleepless thread(s) where we all responded about why we are so involved in this campaign? And I cried for days. Or the thread where someone asked how old we all were and it was amazing to find out our average age (can't remember now, but it was definitely over 30)?
Maybe it is time we do that again with all the new people we have here."
I have vounteered to start this project, and be Keeper of the Blog Bios. Everyone who wants to can send me a brief introduction--your blog name/handle and a little bit about yourself. Only as much as you feel comfortable sharing publicly (in other words, no more than you have shared publicly in the blog already). And, if you have a blog "claim to fame", such as a slogan you suggested that caught on, a poster you created, or anything else people might like to know about you and your unique contribution to the campaign and the blog community, please include that too. Since we always have new people joining, and the blog moves pretty quickly, it might make it easier for people to get to know each other.
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
8:54:00 AM
Just got home, and not a creature is stirring. Well, actually, none of the human creatures are stirring. The dogs are totally flipping out, and I'm sure there will be a cat on my keyboard in short order.
I just posted a story over at Street Prophets about the desire to somehow have a sane Christmas season, and the challenges therein. It is similar enough to the discussion earlier that I decided not to crosspost it here.
Here's a link to the video of Howard on The Tonight Show.
Update: Thank you, jc, for adding the link and the Howard Dean pics. Before the day is over, I wanted to mention (this time on the front page) that I learned over at My Left Wing that today is Senator Harry Reid's birthday. Well, I've *got* this cake graphic, thanks to Demetrius--sure hate to pass up a chance to use it!
I also said "Happy Birthday" to Senator Reid in the comments over at his blog. If you'd like to do the same, click.
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
11:05:00 PM
Teri Mills is a longtime Democracy For America community member. Her guest column on health care appears on Blog for America on Fridays and she blogs at
As we pulled out eight boxes of holiday cards to address and stamp, my twin sister had a great idea. Why not celebrate Hanukah or Christmas every other year? Of course, we realize the chance of this happening is slim to none, and if our country did so, we would leave our economy in ruins. Still, the idea is most tempting.
And so the rush begins (baking, decorating, shopping, and partying) the list seems to never end. Meanwhile, the activist's attention is always on what is happening right outside our home. We await the hearings for one of the most conservative Supreme Court nominees, Sam Alito. Over 2,100 Americans and countless Iraqis are dead because of a senseless war. 30,000 GM employees will lose their jobs this month. Katrina survivors will be kicked out of their temporary housing in the next few weeks. Thousands of Pakistani women and children will die from lack of shelter and preventable disease. 47 million Americans are now without health coverage and many more are under-insured and face huge medical bills.
So where are our priorities? Last year Democracy for America encouraged our participation in a phone card drive for our veterans and troops who would not have been able to phone a loved one over the holiday. Let's put our heads and hearts together and think of a DFACorps activity for this holiday season that the grassroots can work together on to make a difference and to help alleviate some of that holiday stress. What's your idea?
—Teri Mills, RN, MS, ANP
Democracy for Oregon
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2:30:00 PM
Posted by
12:30:00 PM
In the middle of the current time crunch--admittedly one I experience every year when end of the quarter grading coincides with the increasing intensity of the holiday season--it was a pleasant surprise to see this comment in the overnight thread.
As a member of Blankets for America, I can tell you that Susan is very busy doing good things for others. She is a real inspiration to all of
I know that making quilts, afghans, and warm clothing for Pine Ridge Res., many babies in hospitals, for women and children in shelters where they are safe, and for the parents whose babies die at birth or soon after, give me some hope. Also I feel like we are giving hugs to those in need.
I am still angry about so many things going on politically, and I still yell and scream at the TV, but I just sew and crochet faster which relieves that tension.
thanks for this blog...Renee and the rest of you wonderful people.
At 9:39 p.m. on December 5, 2003, in the Drive for Democracy: Innovation and Energy in Orlando thread on the official Dean blog, Grandma J wrote:
"Someone way up above mentioned a roll call. Does anyone remember the Sleepless thread(s) where we all responded about why we are so involved in this campaign? And I cried for days. Or the thread where someone asked how old we all were and it was amazing to find out our average age (can't remember now, but it was definitely over 30)?
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
9:37:00 AM
My posts are rarely of a purely political nature. Mainly because the political landscape today is full of hydra-headed monsters. Contemplating for too long the disaster that confronts us these days gives me heart palpitations and a strange roaring white noise in my ears. Once I was able to regard politics fairly dispassionately. Now I'm full of hatred for the right-wing extremists. I find those feelings extremely uncomfortable for two reasons: 1.) I can't do much to make them stop, and 2.) hatred is foreign to my nature.
So when I write a post I prefer to focus on something less painful. To take a break from the constant need to fight back.
In my daily life I take a break through quilting. I'm sure I've written about Blankets for America on the BBB. It's our Dean Corps group...yet another positive result of the wonderful "Dean Ripple Effect".
To date we've made and distributed 771 quilts and blankets to shelters, hospitals and pantries. We've sent blankets to Katrina survivors, hospitals in New York and Florida, Ohio and South Dakota. We've sent blankets to shelters in Pennsylvania and the state of Washington. I know we've sent them to other states I can't recall just now. Too bad, cause now I've interrupted the flow and can't yell, "Yeeeaaarrrrghhhh!".
I can't tell if I'm making a difference politically. I worked as hard as I could for the Reform Ohio Now issues, but they still failed. But when I take a stack of quilts to the shelter workers I know I make a difference. I know that I supplied what they needed, and that people will be helped because of my actions. It helps keep me sane. (Sort of)
Not that I won't continue to fight politically. I can't remember the source, but my quote to live by politically is: "We will fight them until Hell freezes over, sir. And then we will fight them on the ice."
Susan D.
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1:58:00 PM
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1:17:00 PM
Labels: posted by jc
This picture is from Howard Dean's 2003 appearance on The Tonight Show, courtesy of On Lisa Rein's Radar. Lisa's site has more great pictures, including the one you see below, as well as video clips from that earlier Tonight Show appearance. More pictures from that appearance can be found in John Pettit's gallery.
What follows is, more or less, a transcript of Howard Dean's appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno last night. For some reason, even though we have cable, we consistently get really crummy reception when we try to watch anything on our local NBC affiliate. Also, our dog started barking for no apparent reason toward the end. The combination of those things made me miss the part at the very end, where Leno brought up something about Springsteen being a possibility for some office in New Jersey and punned "Born to run!" Maybe in the comments someone can clarify that for me.
Leno: Let's talk about some of the issues. Bush's speech today, what did you think?
Dean: Part of my job is I'm supposed to be tactful now, and it doesn't come easy.
Leno: Oh no-forget that!
Dean: I thought it was his usual nonsense and repetetive…drivel that we've heard for the last 4 ½ years.
Leno: Well, that's tactful. (Yep, cause we know there's a less tactful word than drivel that would have fit perfectly at the end of that sentence!)
Dean: He didn't say anything new. He's defending a strategy that was built on things that weren't true, and of course we're in trouble. And I think "staying the course" is not a strategy, especially when you didn't
tell the truth to get us there in the first place.
Leno: Well, how about Joe Lieberman, a fellow Democrat--
Dean: Now I really have to be tactful!
Leno: He's been there a few times to Iraq, and he more or less agrees with the President.
Dean: Everybody gets to march to their own drummer in this party. What we need to do is have a real plan for strategic redeployment. We need not to have 150,000 troops that are being attacked every single day in Iraq. We shouldn't have been there in the first place, and the fact is we've made a big mess over there. We've created more of a danger than there was in the first place, and probably one of the results is that we did something that Iran couldn't do, we helped them win their objectives in the Iran-Iraq war. So, we're in a lot of trouble in Iraq, and John Murtha's right, we ought not to be hurting more Americans, and having more American wounded kids come home.
Leno: So what would your plan be?
Dean: I think withdrawing immediately is not the right thing to do, but there is a plan that was authored oddly enough by a guy who worked in the Reagan defense department by the name of Lawrence Korb. Where we would withdraw the National Guard troops over 2006, and even Joe Lieberman voted for 2006 being the year of transition there. We would withdraw the Guard troops, move 20,000 troops to Afghanistan, where they are needed, keep a force in the Middle East, not in Iraq, because we are going to have to deal with the terrorist threat that Bush created by going in there in the first place. And then the rest come home over the period of 2006 after this election. That gives us a redeployment opportunity, it doesn't show weakness, and it does show the ability to continue to deal with the problems in Iraq without having our guys be the targets.
Leno: Let me ask you something. Now, normally-the President's approval rating is 35%, it's the lowest it's ever been. It seems in years past that when one party was down, the other party would be up. For all the things the Republican are doing wrong, the Democrats don't seem to be gaining. Why aren't they gaining?
Dean: Well in some ways we are. The polls show that if the election were held tomorrow that we would take back Congress and all that. But, the Democrats have a lot to learn about standing up for what we believe in. You cannot win elections simply by criticizing the other guy, you gotta stand up for what you believe in. We're beginning to do that. I thought Harry Reid was really courageous when he shut down the Senate and demanded some honesty out of Republicans about why we got in Iraq in the first place. And I thought John Murtha, a decorated 37 year Marine Corps veteran was incredibly courageous when he got up and said, "Look, this isn't working. We need a strategic redeployment in Iraq. We're going to have to do a lot more of that. We're going to have to do it on jobs, we're going to have to insist that we have health insurance for everybody in this country like 36 other countries in the world do. We've got to stand for something different from the Republicans and then we can win.
Leno: I remember once you said you HATED Republicans-you remember saying that? You said you hated--(There was some crosstalk here, and it's hard to hear Dean's response, but watching the video one could see the immediate bemused reaction on Howard's face, and he interjected something like, "Well, I was kind of misquoted there…") In the spirit of bipartisanship, can you think of one Republican you like?
Dean: Abraham Lincoln! (Laughter and applause)
Leno: The very first one! All right--
Dean: If he were alive today, he'd be a Democrat!
Leno: You're sure of that-really? Do you think Rove will be indicted?
Dean: I'm not a lawyer, but…I would say there's a reasonable chance. You generally speaking don't get asked to go to a grand jury and testify four times during the life of the grand jury without being under some suspicion. So, I guess that, though I'm not a lawyer, I'd be nervous if I were him.
Leno: This culture of corruption we see now…we were just joke about this congressman, 2 point (couldn't hear) MILLION dollars. Okay, he's a Republican, but this is the perception about politicians. Because this happens on both sides-how do we change that? Do we need campaign finance laws?
Dean: What we need is real ethics legislation in Congress, because the Ethics Committee has been a farce. There was a truce at one point where nobody would indict anybody, or complain about anybody else. That was ridiculous.We really do need real campaign finance reform. We need to get the big money out of politics.
Leno: How do you do that?
Dean: You know, in the state of Arizona, there's a wonderful Democratic governor by the name of Janet Napolitano who got elected on a clean money campaign. She did not have to go to special interests to raise money to do it. They've got a great law that was put in by the voters, because the legislature of course wouldn't do it. The voters of Arizona put in a law that said there would be public financing of campaigns, so that if somebody comes along and wants to spend a gazillion dollars of their own money, the state will give you more to combat it. Now, nobody who runs on that clean elections plan in Arizona owes anybody anything. All they have to do is go in there and do what they think is right, which is really what the American people want. It's not so much about being a conservative or a liberal or a Democrat or a Repubublican. What people are mad about is that politicians go to Washington and then they won't stand up for anything, and that's what has to be changed. (Applause)
Leno: What I would like to see is some sort of truth in campaigning law, because we see these ads, "My opponent voted to give handguns to pedophiles" But that isn't EXACTLY what the law was...and you end up voting for which one you hate the least.
Dean: (reception was bad here and I can't make this first part out). But the flip side is something that's been very good for this country, and that's the First Amendment. Being able to say pretty much whatever you want, within some reason. Britain actually has laws where you can sue somebody for something like that, and maybe we need to do something like that, but free speech is very important in this country.
Leno: Yeah, law suits, we need more of those! (Laughter.) Okay, how about the 2008 presidential election? I know you can't pick somebody. Hillary seems to be way ahead. Could a Democratic candidate, late in the game, come
from behind, out of nowhere? And possibly--
Dean: I know one that did, but unfortunately he went back to nowhere after that.
Leno: (Laughing) Really? Well, would you ever run again?
Dean: Not in 2008. I've sworn--well, not sworn, but I've said that as long as I took this job as DNC chair my job is to fix the party. I'd like to make a big change in the White House. Whether I'm there or not is not so important.
Leno: Like in 2012, you'll still be a young man, you could do that.
Dean: (Smiling) That's right…you're very kind. Thank you.
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
11:42:00 AM
Posted by
8:45:00 AM
Here's the first part of the interview on Leno. I wanted to get some of it up tonight, because it looks like we need a new thread. I will post more of the interview tomorrow.
Leno: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Bush’s speech today, what did you think?
Dean: Part of my job is I’m supposed to be tactful now, and it doesn’t come easy.
Leno: Oh no—forget that!
Dean: I thought it was his usual nonsense and repetetive…drivel that we’ve heard for the last 4 1/2 years.
Leno: Well, that’s tactful. (Yep, cause we know there’s a less tactful word than drivel that would have fit perfectly at the end of that sentence!)
Dean: He didn’t say anything new. He’s defending a strategy that was built on things that weren’t true, and of course we’re in trouble. And I think “staying the course” is not a strategy, especially when you didn’t tell the truth to get us there in the first place.
Leno: Well, how about Joe Lieberman, a fellow Democrat—
Dean: Now I really have to be tactful!
Leno: He’s been there a few times to Iraq, and he more or less agrees with the President.
Dean: Everybody gets to march to their own drummer in this party. What we need to do is have a real plan for strategic redeployment. We need not to have 150,000 troops that are being attacked every single day in Iraq. We shouldn’t have been there in the first place, and the fact is we’ve made a big mess over there. We’ve created more of a danger than there was in the first place, and probably one of the results is that we did something that Iran couldn’t do, we helped them win their objectives in the Iran-Iraq war. So, we’re in a lot of trouble in Iraq, and John Murtha’s right, we ought not to be hurting more Americans, and having more American wounded kids come home.
Leno: So what would your plan be?
Dean: I think withdrawing immediately is not the right thing to do, but there is a plan that was authored oddly enough by a guy who worked in the Reagan defense department by the name of Lawrence Korb. Where we would withdraw the National Guard troops over 2006, and even Joe Lieberman voted for 2006 being the year of transition there. We would withdraw the Guard troops, move 20,000 troops to Afghanistan, where they are needed, keep a force in the Middle East, not in Iraq, because we are going to have to deal with the terrorist threat that Bush created by going in there in the first place. And then the rest come home over the period of 2006 after this election. That gives us a redeployment opportunity, it doesn’t show weakness, and it does show the ability to continue to deal with the problems in Iraq without having our guys be the targets.
(More to come)
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
1:00:00 AM
"File" Photo.
Photo by Maura Keaney (Thanks, Maura!)
Posted by
9:08:00 PM
Just a quick reminder that Howard Dean will be appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this evening.
The photo you see below is from Howard's appearance on David Letterman on October 12.
For anyone who hasn't noticed this yet, when I recently redesigned the site, I created a permanent space in the left sidebar for announcing Howard Dean's upcoming appearances. In that space I have posted the e-mail address you can use if you know of an upcoming appearance that is not yet listed.
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
2:34:00 PM
Photo courtesy of the Costume Goddess.
Passing this along from Blog for America, for anyone who might be interested.
Live Discussion with Jim Dean
Chair of Democracy for America
Today at 3:00pm EST on
Blog for America
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:42:00 PM
Yay! I'm finally back online! I was just now able to download my e-mail, and it included several articles via "keyword news"--that's how I get my Ken Blackwell updates. Several of the articles were about Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman withdrawing from the governor's race, and one was about Republican candidate Jim Petro's ad "trumpeting his conservative abortion beliefs". Finally, there was this piece from Scoop in New Zealand, originally published in the Free Press:
Ohio's Diebold Debacle: New machines call election results into question
by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
Massive Election Day irregularities are emerging in reports from all over Ohio after the introduction of Diebold's electronic voting in nearly half of the Buckeye State’s counties. A recently released report by the non-partisan General Accountability Office warned of such problems with electronic voting machines.
E-voting machine disasters
Prior to the 2005 election, electronic voting machines from Diebold and other Republican voting machine manufacturers were newly installed in 41 of Ohio’s 88 counties. The Dayton Daily News reported that in Montgomery County, for example, “Some machines began registering votes for the wrong item when voters touched the screen correctly. Those machines had lost their calibration during shipping or installation and had to be recalibrated. . . .”
Steve Harsman, the Director of the Montgomery County Board of Elections (BOE), told the Daily News that the recalibration could be done on site, but poll workers had never performed the task before.
The city of Carlisle, Ohio announced on November 22 that it is contesting the results of the November 8 general election as a result of Montgomery County vote counting problems. Carlisle Mayor Jerry Ellender told the Middletown Journal that the count on the city’s continuing $3.8 million replacement fire levy is invalid “since they are not sure if Carlisle voters received the right ballots on the new electronic voting machines.”
Harsman, according to the Journal, said, “poll workers incorrectly encoded voter cards that are used to bring up the ballots on the electronic machines in precincts in Germantown and Carlisle.”
At least 225 votes were registered for the fire levy in precincts with only 148 registered voters, according to the Journal. In addition, 187 voting machine memory cards were lost for most of election night in Montgomery County, according to the Dayton Daily News.
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
9:20:00 PM
Why "The Gift" IS a True Story
By Subway Serenade
In March of 1994 I was reading through the newspapers and I noticed something that most folks at the time seemed to miss entirely. I saw that although there were civil wars, as in Africa, occupations in Palestine and East Timor, and post Cold War fallout in the Balkans and Chechnya, a remarkable thing had occurred. International War could be found nowhere on the planet.
This startled me, and as I researched it further, I found not a single editorial comment. No mention in the pages of the daily papers. No mention of it on TV, or even on the Internet. How could something this important happen and only a street musician could notice? Each week I would go to the library and look through the world news on the Internet. I couldn't find an international war anywhere. I started feeling pretty good about the future of mankind, and this continued straight through to the second week in September of that year. That Tuesday when I reached my spot at the Rector Street Station, I was thinking about the possibility that we could actually have a Holiday Season coming where no two nations were engaged in armed conflict, and it was going totally unnoticed by the rest of the world. As I was setting up to perform I laughed to myself, "I wonder if anyone told God about this? I'd bet He'd be surprised."
I played for three hours, as usual, and packed up for the return home. On the train, I took out my journal and began to write, as I usually did. Only this time, every time my pen touched the paper, I began to cry. On September 29 1994, the first handwritten manuscript was completed. I first called it "A Christmas Card to the World," but realized that that the card was not to the world, but to its Creator. So I named my simple work "The Gift, A True Story of the Holidays." Since that time "The Gift" has been read and heard by thousands of people. And "The Awakening" is closer than most folks would imagine. Share it with your friends and family this Holiday Season.
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Posted by
6:45:00 PM
Has it really been a year since the netroots chose up sides over who would succeed Terry McAuliffe as DNC Chair? Kos posted this assessment that I think is worth reproducing here:
Dean flops as boogeyman
by kos
Tue Nov 29, 2005 at 01:54:57 AM EST
We're now at the rough one-year anniversary of the DNC chairmanship battle, in which us netroots hooligans helped propel Dean to the top of the DNC. We outmaneuvered Kerry, who wanted to install Vilsack and then Sheehan by fiat. We outmaneuvered Reid and Pelosi, who wanted Tim Roemer. We outmaneuvered Mark Brewer of the Association of Democratic State Chairs, who wanted to Donnie Fowler. (Here's Ryan Lizza's take on the whole affair.)
This was the first tangible "victory" for the netroots in its struggle for supremacy of the Democratic Party. But I don't bring this up to gloat. Rather, I bring it up to point out how little of the Dean Doomsday Scenario actually played out.
More specifically, the notion that Dean would be a boon to Republican propaganda efforts has completely falled flat. Remember those? Dem insiders were quaking in their shoes, Republicans were salivating at the chance to remind America how far-left and craaazzzyy those Democrats were with Dean at the top.
Yet you don't hear Republicans trying to make hay of Chairman Dean anymore. Why would they? Middle America proved, yet again, that they could give a rat's ass about who runs the political parties, whether it's Dean or the GOP's closeted homosexual robot. And while those early attacks on Dean fell flat with the general American public, Dean supporters responded with cash. Every attack on Dean suddenly became an impromptu DNC fundraisier worth tens of thousands in the bank.
Republicans aren't stupid. They're corrupt, craven, opportunistic and generally unpleasant, but they aren't stupid. So it wasn't long before the anti-Dean attacks ceased. (Well, Liddy Dole includes Dean in her fundraising emails, but given her fundraising performance thus far, even the GOP base couldn't give two shits.)
While the true measure of Dean's success will be the 2008 elections (rebuilding the party takes time, regardless whether we make gains in 2006 or not), the early praise from his fiercest Democratic detractors and the unilateral ceasefire from the Republican side proves that he's not the Scary Liberal Boogeyman many feared he'd be.
Hooray for the Hooligans! One commenter recalled how the Virginia GOP tried to use Dean in our elections this year:
January 11, 2005
It appears that some in Washington still fail to acknowledge that just two months ago Virginians overwhelmingly rejected the liberal beliefs shared by Tim Kaine and the national Democrat Party.
Tim Kaine needs to explain why taking millions of dollars from the DNC, where Howard Dean is the clear front runner to become the new Chairman, doesn't put him at odds with millions of Virginians who in November clearly rejected their liberal policies.
February 12, 2005
"The election of Howard Dean to lead his Party is yet another indication that the Democrats are out of touch with the beliefs and values most Americans hold dear. "
In Howard Dean the Democrat Party has chosen a leader whose support for higher taxes, abortion on demand, and assisted suicide does not square with the values held by a vast majority of Virginians. "
Tim Kaine has now been reunited with his true political soul mate. (LMAO. Ed.) And, it will take a massive political makeover for Tim Kaine to hide from Virginians his pro-tax, anti-death penalty liberal positions. As liberal as Howard Dean is, Virginia's Tim Kaine goes one step further in his strident opposition to the death penalty even for the most heinous crimes."
February 18, 2005
The Chairman of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), Howard Dean, said at a recent meeting of the Democrat Black Caucus, "You think the Republicans could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here."
Today, Kate Obenshain Griffin, Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, called on Lieutenant Governor Tim Kaine to tell Virginians whether he supports the racially insensitive remarks made by the DNC Chairman, especially given the recent press reports of the $5 million the DNC plans to provide the Kaine campaign:
"As the Democrat Party is overtaken by the national leftist liberal establishment, their policies of anger and pessimism are becoming clear. The intolerable remarks made by Howard Dean expose the fact that the Democrat Party takes minorities for granted. "
I call on Lieutenant Governor Tim Kaine to immediately denounce the divisive remarks by the Chairman of his Party. The failure of Tim Kaine to condemn Howard Dean's remarks can only be interpreted by all Virginians as an explicit endorsement by the Democrat Party of Virginia of such discriminatory beliefs."
I call your attention to the liberal use of the word "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" when referring to the party. No matter how hard they tried, the Virginia GOP couldn't get any traction linking Tim Kaine to Howard Dean.
PS--Check out this photo.
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2:08:00 PM
Cindy Sheehan has written a book, Not One More Mother's Child, and it is now available for ordering.
During her recent stay at Camp Casey for Thanksgiving, Cindy's publisher, Koa Books, donated 100 books to benefit the Crawford Peace House. Cindy appeared at a book signing in Crawford where all the books were bought, and $2000 was raised for the Crawford Peace House.
That is, however, NOT the story that corporate media or the right-wing "Freepers" wanted. Instead, what was widely distributed were pictures taken between the book signings, showing Cindy sitting alone at a table, waiting. These pictures have been posted on media outlets and right-wing websites with the FALSE information that Cindy gave a book signing and nobody came.
It seems that Cindy Sheehan remains quite a threat to those who still support our warmongering president and his failed policies. Because the truth is damaging to them, they are eager to replace it with their lies, with the willing cooperation of corporate media.
You can order Cindy Sheehan's book online from her publisher, Koa Books.
Crossposted at jc's designs
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12:18:00 PM
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9:30:00 AM
Every Monday night at 8pm EST, My Vote is My Voice hosts an interactive guest blog.
In the past, the My Vote is My Voice Board has relied on our personal connections from the Dean campaign, and beyond, to find guest bloggers.
However, we've realized that that's not very bottom-up, and we would love to hear your recommendations for guest bloggers.
Please post recommendations in the comments, or send them to
Posted by
11:05:00 PM
I know people have been posting their "Happy Birthdays" to Subway all day--since midnight last night, as a matter of fact. But we just can't end the day without an official Howard-Empowered People birthday greeting...complete with the homemade cake graphic Demetrius created for this blog.
Happy Birthday, David/Subway! Thank you for sharing your music with us these past few years, and more recently thank you for contributing your insights in front page posts on this blog.
Want to know who else has a birthday coming up? Check out the Blog Family Birthday Calendar jc maintains.
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Renee in Ohio
6:36:00 PM
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
3:46:00 PM
As if we needed further proof that Bush is increasingly disconnected from reality.
Author Seymour Hersh was on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer yesterday to discuss his new article in the New Yorker, "Up in the Air," which discusses the administration's proposal to withdraw from Iraq. (Or did they crib it from someone else? I can't keep track nowadays.) Hersh added some disturbing insights into Bush's concerns about the future:
HERSH: Suffice to say this, that this president in private, at Camp David with his friends, the people that I'm sure call him George, is very serene about the war. He's upbeat. He thinks that he's going to be judged, maybe not in five years or ten years, maybe in 20 years. He's committed to the course. He believes in democracy.
HERSH: He believes that he's doing the right thing, and he's not going to stop until he gets -- either until he's out of office, or he falls apart, or he wins.
BLITZER: But this has become, your suggesting, a religious thing for him?
HERSH: Some people think it is. Other people think he's absolutely committed, as I say, to the idea of democracy. He's been sold on this notion. He's a utopian, you could say, in a world where maybe he doesn't have all the facts and all the information he needs and isn't able to change. I'll tell you, the people that talk to me now are essentially frightened because they're not sure how you get to this guy.
We have generals that do not like -- anymore -- they're worried about speaking truth to power. You know that. I mean that's -- Murtha in fact, John Murtha, the congressman from Pennsylvania, which most people don't know, has tremendous contacts with the senior generals of the armies. He's a ranking old war horse in Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. The generals know him and like him. His message to the White House was much more worrisome than maybe to the average person in the public. They know that generals are privately telling him things that they're not saying to them.
And if you're a general and you have a disagreement with this war, you cannot get that message into the White House. And that gets people unnerved.
BLITZER: Here's what you write. You write, "Current and former military and intelligence officials have told me that the president remains convinced that it is his personal mission to bring democracy to Iraq, and that he is impervious to political pressure, even from fellow Republicans. They also say that he disparages any information that conflicts with his view of how the war is proceeding."
Those are incredibly strong words, that the president basically doesn't want to hear alternative analysis of what is going on.
HERSH: You know, Wolf, there is people I've been talking to -- I've been a critic of the war very early in the New Yorker, and there were people talking to me in the last few months that have talked to me for four years that are suddenly saying something much more alarming.
They're beginning to talk about some of the things the president said to him about his feelings about manifest destiny, about a higher calling that he was talking about three, four years ago. I don't want to sound like I'm off the wall here. But the issue is, is this president going to be capable of responding to reality? Is he going to be able -- is he going to be capable if he going to get a bad assessment, is he going to accept it as a bad assessment or is he simply going to see it as something else that is just a little bit in the way as he marches on in his crusade that may not be judged for 10 or 20 years.
He talks about being judged in 20 years to his friends. And so it's a little alarming because that means that my and my colleagues in the press corps, we can't get to him maybe with our views. You and you can't get to him maybe with your interviews.
How do you get to a guy to convince him that perhaps he's not going the right way? Jack Murtha certainly didn't do it. As I wrote, they were enraged at Murtha in the White House.
And so we have an election coming up -- Yes. I've had people talk to me about maybe Congress is going to have to cut off the budget for this war if it gets to that point. I don't think they're ready to do it now.
But I'm talking about sort of a crisis of management. That you have a management that's seen by some of the people closely involved as not being able to function in terms of getting information it doesn't want to receive.
This is a pretty frightening description of someone who is supposed to be the "leader of the free world."
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Posted by
10:05:00 AM
K Street Project
Two Sizes Too Small
Tick, Tick, BOOM
Gone With The Wind
Season's Reason
And my favorite for today: Fool
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Posted by
8:00:00 AM
Just a heads-up that Howard Dean is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Wednesday, November 30. If you know of any other upcoming television or radio appearances for Howard Dean, please e-mail howardempowerd at or post a comment on this blog.
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Renee in Ohio
11:04:00 PM
...wanna have some playtime? Let's make snowflakes! (You need Flash 6.0 for this)
So, I guess what I'm saying pretty much is, this is an open thread. But feel free to share fun, even relaxing sites with us here.
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Posted by
Renee in Ohio
7:54:00 PM
I receive email updates from Faith Communities Uniting for Peace in central Ohio. At this point, there is no web site for the organization, so that "post an excerpt and a link for the rest" practice often doesn't work. But I did want to share a bit of this update, especially since it ties in with Catreona's post from last weekend. The subject of today's email was "Cleveland woman arrested for SOA protest"
I will include an excerpt here, and if you would like the whole thing, you can email me at howardempowered at and I will forward it to you.
The Cleveland InterReligious Task Force on Central America (IRTF) took 2 buses to the annual Vigil to Close the SOA at Ft. Benning, Georgia, including students, faculty and Ursuline Sisters from Ursuline College and students and teachers from St Joseph Academy and St Edward High School. Other school delegations included Kent State University, Walsh University, Walsh Jesuit High School, John Carroll University and Wooster College.
Laura Harrison and David Treska went to support their grandmother, Priscilla Treksa, who trespassed onto the Army base in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience. Priscilla and 40 others face federal trespassing charges and will likely go to trial in late January. Priscilla, refusing to post bail, is awaiting arraignment, and then will likely await trial in the Muscogee County jail. Her son Andrew, also along in support, calls his mom “a strong woman. I think she’s wonderful.”
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
3:23:00 PM
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3:20:00 PM
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8:15:00 AM
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