Remember little Knut?
Some new pictures of Knut here.
Haloscan comment thread
Some new pictures of Knut here.
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
10:45:00 PM
Unlike the geese in the song from the original Willie Wonka movie, these geese weren't laying golden eggs. But they were definitely making their mark, so to speak. While I was changing clothes at the gym today, I overheard people complaining about the sheer quantity of the geese around the pond near the rec center. And the noise they made. And all that poop. Can't something be done about them?
Um, who is encroaching on whose territory with all this urban sprawl?
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
7:29:00 PM
In honor of Hermann Rorschach's birthday, "What might this be?"
It's also Julian of Norwich's birthday, by the way.
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
10:35:00 PM
This morning I noticed that Joseph at Plunderbund had posted the following:
Orthodox Rabbi: Don’t Use the Bible to Pass Judgement on Others
Living in a college town like Columbus, Ohio means people tend to be open to many different viewpoints. It also means they are less likely to judge viewpoints that are different from her own.I was actually there at St. Stephen's to hear Rabbi Greenberg's sermon--really a piece of luck, as I've missed church a lot lately to catch up on my sleep and I didn't know he was coming. He gave a fascinating sermon, and was back in the afternoon to talk about some of the issues he covered in his book, Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition
It’s one of the reasons I moved back here.
It’s also, I assume, one of the reasons Rabbi Steven Greenberg is in town.
Greenberg, “America’s first openly gay Orthodox rabbi”, was here to give a sermon and speak at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church on the OSU campus.
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
9:34:00 AM
November 6 is the birthday of my maternal grandmother--the one Daughter in Ohio was named for. It's a little amazing the consistency with which I am able to remember the date, without even trying to. Remembering birthdays has never really been my strong suit.
Maybe part of it is the fact that it comes just a few days after All Saints' Day. And then, we're getting into that whole holiday season, where it's pretty natural to think about traditions and continuity. Where you've been, and where you're going. The people who continue to touch our lives even though they are no longer with us.
I'm sure I could ramble more about all of this, but I need to get to bed. But this is where my heart is right now, and I really needed to say so "out loud".
Haloscan comment thread
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:22:00 AM
Look at Cassiopeia's W. Start at the center star of Cassiopeia and follow that (third) star to the lower left, to its second star. Stay on that trajectory for 5 times the length between the two stars and note a yellowish bright object in the constellation Perseus. Or, as Hubby likes to say it: set the W as the center of a clock and look for Holmes around 7 or 8 pm. Let us know if you see it! We're just waiting for the clouds to dissipate.
Very exploding comet! Visible to the naked eye, but even better with binoculars or telescope.
Photo credits = Mahon About Town Newsletter, Nantucket
Posted by
9:12:00 PM
Labels: comit, sky gazing
Posted by
12:15:00 AM
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