We Believe! Ohio launch tomorrow
Finally, sane religious voices are joining together to counter these folks.http://www.theocracywatch.org/ohio.htm
I know I've been wanting that since...well, I have no idea how long, but for a bloody long time, that's for sure!
The launch of the group We Believe! Ohio is tomorrow. If you've ever wondered aloud where were the moderate, sane religious leaders countering the far right, well, here they are. But they're going to need some help if they are to be heard.
Here is the time and location of the launch event/press conference:
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
11:00 AM
The First AME Zion Church
873 Bryden Rd. Columbus, OH
More details can be found here
Please do anything you can to help spread the word that, as the little people in Horton Hears a Who collectively shouted, "We are here!" We will need a pretty powerful microphone to be heard over the money and media access of the far right.
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