Tuesday Morning Action Items
From Vote Trust USA: Support a true election hero!
Ion Sancho needs our help!! Florida officials are attacking this courageous Supervisor of Elections for trying to protect the integrity of our vote. Please click on the link below to send an email to Florida officials protesting their outrageous treatment of this courageous Supervisor of Elections.
More here.
From Teri Mills:
Is one of these your reps. Can you make a call today in support of the office of the National Nurse? Click to find your rep. and toll free numbers in the first post, along with a telephone script at www.nationalnurse3.blogspot.com
Sherrod Brown, OH
Henry A. Waxman, CA
Edolphus Towns, NY
Frank Pallone Jr., NJ
Bart Gordon, TN
Bobby L. Rush, IL
Anna G. Eshoo, CA
Gene Green, TX
Ted Strickland, OH
Diana DeGette, CO
Lois Capps, CA
Thomas H. Allen, ME
Jim Davis, FL
Tammy Baldwin, WI
John D. Dingell, MI, Ex Officio
Republicans on the Health Committee:
Nathan Deal, GA, Chairman
Ralph M. Hall, TX
Michael Bilirakis, FL
Fred Upton, MI
Paul E. Gillmor, OH
Charlie Norwood, GA
Barbara Cubin, WY
John Shimkus, IL
John B. Shadegg, AZ
Charles W. "Chip" Pickering, MS
Steve Buyer, IN
Joseph R. Pitts, PA
Mary Bono, CA
Mike Ferguson, NJ, Vice Chair
Mike Rogers, MI
Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC
Michael C. Burgess, TX
Joe Barton, TX, Ex Officio
And don't forget to keep checking firedoglake for updates and action items regarding how to support Feingold's call for official censure of Bush. Note the Howardly award in Feingold's honor in the left sidebar here at Howard-Empowered People. (I just signed his petition--even though I generally avoid petitions like the plague--because I believe that when someone takes a stand like this, it is important to provide tangible evidence that we have his or her back.)
My "bad wolf" would like to award something along these lines to any Dem who is opposing this, but we'd need something different for the female senators. Or they could save us the trouble by just collectively showing some spine. How hard can it be? Compared to everything Bush has done, and insists that he will continue to do, censure seems to be equivalent in harshness to a preschool teacher sitting a misbehaving youngster down, looking him or her in the eye, and calmly stating, "That behavior is not okay."
And finally, not an action item, but something I want to post before I leave for the We Believe! Ohio launch, Happy Birthday LA*Mom!

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