Thursday, September 01, 2005

Phone cards for hurricane victims

Jessica of My Vote is My Voice writes:

Do you want to contribute something you can see and feel to those who are displaced by Hurricane Katrina?

We do too, so My Vote is My Voice will be collecting phone cards to be distributed directly to refugees after they are moved to Texas. These phone cards will allow people to make the important calls that will help them rebuild their lives.

My Vote is My Voice
will start the phone card drive by contributing $100 worth of phone cards. Every single phone card that is sent to us will be added to those we purchase, and will be hand delivered to the hurricane victims.

Phone cards may be sent to:
My Vote is My Voice
23C Mansfield Pl.
Rutland, VT, 05701

Thank you for showing the kindness we know is inside each of you.

The MViMV Board
Al, Charlene, Jessica, Liane, and Ralph


  1. I don't get this thread. Who is the org, what is their phone number, and exactly what do they want from us?

  2. Do they want money? I can't imagine they want us to ship water because the cost of shipment would be more than the cost of the water because of the weight.

  3. Apparently Phil from Iowa set this up.

  4. cheryl! It's something Phil just set up. And yes, he does just want *you* to go get the water, mail the water. And yes, it's as expensive as hell.

    There are nurses working without water. At all. Zero. Zilch.

    Up to you.

  5. Renee,
    I think it was good intentions, but logistically, not the best way. Better to donate cash and have them buy the water in the surrounding areas or pay one company to drive a huge truckload there. It would be more efficient, effective and cheaper.

  6. Puddle, if I knew the actual physical location of the nurses, I would donate to a business near them to get them the water.

    Think about it.

    It's a po box.

    Will be at least 2 days before they get the water.

    Will have to pass on this idea, although I appreciate the thought.

  7. Phil*from*Iowa. wrote on September 1, 2005 04:38 PM:

    Oscar or puddle could you cross post my 4:15 to the non-smoking section of the blog

    my son will have volunteers lined up to get this to the helicopters landing on hospital roofs in New Orleans that are bringing patients to LSU


  8. Do you want to contribute something you can see and feel to those who are displaced by Hurricane Katrina?

    We do too, so My Vote is My Voice will be collecting phone cards to be distributed directly to refugees after they are moved to Texas. These phone cards will allow people to make the important calls that will help them rebuild their lives.

    My Vote is My Voice will start the phone card drive by contributing $100 worth of phone cards. Every single phone card that is sent to us will be added to those we purchase, and will be hand delivered to the hurricane victims.

    Phone cards may be sent to:
    My Vote is My Voice
    23C Mansfield Pl.
    Rutland, VT, 05701

    Thank you for showing the kindness we know is inside each of you.

    The MViMV Board
    Al, Charlene, Jessica, Liane, and Ralph

  9. Thanks, Jessica--I've front paged it. I'm also working on entries for my Sacred Space blog, which will be showing up in the feed further down on the right side of this page.

    Demetrius is out exchanging some of the school clothes he bought today for a different size, and will be stopping to pick up dinner. He just emailed me a bumper sticker idea...

    "Jesus rode a donkey - not an elephant"

  10. Thanks Renee.

    Hope everything is going ok with the school clothes (besides the size).

  11. Did y'all know that the difference between looting and finding was simply a matter of Black and White? I call bullshit on that.

  12. Lol, Oscar. I posted that yesterday on here from Kimmy's blog. It is just more racism perpetuated by the white owned media.

  13. I still don't understand why anyone cares about looting from abandoned stores when there are lives at stake.

    As far as the people shooting, well the guard has gones. Shoot the shooters in the arm, arrest them, and restore peace.

    But don't label a majority for what a minority of people are doing.

    If I was there, I would be 'looting' for food, water, plastic bags, etc...essentials that I would need. This is survival mode for them.

  14. I think Renee posted the link but I wanted to say this group is great. And 100% will go the the relief effort. They even let you donate stock. All of us who got huge tax breaks on our capital gains and dividends thanks to push should get behind this effort.

    And anyone in New Hampshire who owns stock (since they don't pay capital gainst tax at all), this would be a great one to donate to:

    UUA Establishes Gulf Coast Relief Fund: A Message from the Rev. William G. Sinkford
    How to Make a Donation to the UUA-UUSC Gulf Coast Relief Fund

    The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations has established the UUA Gulf Coast Relief Fund to assist in the recovery from Hurricane Katrina. All funds received will be distributed under the auspices of the Southwest and Mid-South Districts and will be used entirely for hurricane relief.

    * Make an online, credit card donation through the UUA's secure website.

    * Give stock and mutual fund shares.

    * Send checks payable to the "UUA Gulf Coast Relief Fund" to:
    Larry Stritof
    UUA Stewardship and Development
    UUA Gulf Coast Relief Fund
    25 Beacon Street
    Boston, MA 02108 -2800
    * Click here if you have any questions about how to make your gift.

    For tax purposes: The UUA is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our federal tax-exempt I.D. number is 04-210-3733. Your donation to the UUA Gulf Coast Relief Fund qualifies as a tax deductible charitable gift. Please consult your financial and tax advisors regarding your particular circumstances.

    Thank you for your generosity!

    UUA and UUSC Establish Gulf Coast Relief Fund:

    * A Message from the Rev. William G. Sinkford
