Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sled Dogs in Vermont



  1. I AM VICTORIOUS!!! 🥳🎉
    After three days of fighting with my email account, including talking to India yesterday and to Level 2 India today, without resolution, I myself solved the issue!

    My email kept saying I was at quota, and I would delete a bunch of stuff, but very soon I would get a message that my account was again at quota! It made no sense. Turns out my entire Inbox folder and my entire Sent mail folder were duplicated as subfolders under other folders! And I figured it out.

    Suddenly Instead of being 98% full it’s just 35% full!

    I can hardly wait for Level 3 India to call me Wednesday at 1:00pm.

    After that, Wil and I are headed out to buy a new Macbook Air so I can type with all the keys again!

    (Until then, I’m not playing with a full keyboard! 🤣)

  2. Egg prices cartoon No. 1 [Click]
    No. 2 [Click]
    No. 3 [Click]
    No. 4 [Click]
    No. 5 [Click]


  3. Our Social Security payments came in this morning, as scheduled.

    1. Yay!!!! One more month!

    2. Phew!

      Kind'a anxious about ours. Keeping fingers crossed!

    3. i can see no reason to be concerned about Social Security payments at the present time. That would require Congressional action, which isn't happening. Yet.

  4. Replies
    1. {listener}
      If you haven’t seen the Jon Stewart video…you really will want to. It’s a classic….and I don’t want to spoil it for you. I hope he’s okay.

  5. Two videos, then out to work on lawn sprinkler maintenance

    Video One: Canada will liberate Russian funds in Canadian banks. [Click]

    Video Two: Trumpistan did not anticipate China’s actions curbing Japan’s exports to US [Click]

  6. Having delayed sprinkler maintenance too long, I shall delay it until tomorrow. Did some neglected stretching exercises instead, and saw this video:
    Elon CRASHES & BURNS at first Cabinet meeting [Click] The man obviously suffers from ADHD (or something very similar)-— even more so than Trump. Besides which, the fool doesn’t know when and where to wear a hat, or not.

    1. Since seeing that earlier this afternoon, I've been wondering how long it will be before the Cabinet begins to rebel. After all, they signed up to work in the Trump admin., not the Musk admin. And I can't imagine any of them appreciated Musk's strong arm tactics, basically you will obey or else. Even Hegsef was an Army captain. He's got senators and governors, bankers and businessmen. None of them want to be bullied by some tech geek who doesn't know his elbow from his ear.

      I also hear tensions are growing between Trump and Musk. Well, good. The sooner Trump gets rid of Musk the better. Tesla stock, which is what Musk's quote unquote great wealth is based on, is declining nicely, though I do wish it would just get on with it and crash. My idea is, once all those lovely billions are gone, Trump will perceive him as a loser and drop him pronto. Can't wait! Not that dumping Musk will solve all the problems with the Trump regime, but it will at least staunch the arterial bleeding of our government for a while.

  7. I got to ask a question in Vermont’s Congressional Town Hall tonight. I asked Bernie if he will insist on an Oversight Hearing on RFK, Jr. It’s apparently not possible, as he is “only” the ranking member now. Sigh.

    Did you hear that in addition to canceling the Covid 19 meeting, the Flu meeting has also been canceled? That means no new and updated formulation of the Covid vaccine and the Flu vaccine for the coming year. Did you vote for this? I did not.

    FDA meeting to choose flu vaccine composition canceled without explanation

  8. Replies
    1. Oops, should have read all the comments before I posted. Sorry about that, Listener.

    2. {listener}
      Great bloggers often post alike. 💛
