Monday, February 24, 2025

Ice Skating Rink on Lake Champlain



  1. Costco eggs line somewhere [Click] I haven't seen anything remotely similar here.

  2. Paul Krugman: DOGE is the Theranos of Cost-Cutting, And other notes from the Chaos [Click] Public sentiment is falling, but what are investors thinking?

  3. Replies
    1. {listener}
      Thanks for making it a link!
      Spoken at a town hall, eh?
      Might not want expect re-election.🤣

  4. Yay!! Renee gave me a new password!

  5. I checked my passport and discovered that it is expired, so checked online, and found the initial form for calculating the payment was confusing. The office downtown where I had previously taken care of everything related to passports is no more; evidently only online or by mail now. Naomi just worked through the online procedure, and being a digital native found it to be clear. She will help me; can take the photo with her smart phone and submit it electronically, too.

    P.S.: Slightly less warm today than yesterday, and breezy; the wild bush lupine is blooming, albeit not yet in full bloom. And the enteric coated aspirin I have been taking seems to have almost completely resolved the arthritis pain in my knees. I had been thinking of increasing the dosage a little, but enough is sufficient. Still haven't located something satisfactory to order from Canada (and made in Canada). This isn't the right time of year for sweater sales; maybe in the autumn.

    1. Glad the knees are imp oved!

    2. {listener}
      Definitely wise to keep a valid passport. All the more so for those women, like myself, who never asked the Social Security Administration to change my last name to my married name. I notice that the IRS never had trouble knowing who I am. But now the right wingers want to say women whose married name don’t match their birth certificate cannot vote … so a passport would be needed for me to vote. Insanity.
      Especially as I’ll be counting absentee ballots next Tuesday! Ha!

    3. {listener}
      Alan, did you ever check out “” online? You can search for Canadian shops and there are so very many items offered!

  6. Seen on X:

    Rep. Andy Ogles
    🚨 I just formally introduced articles of impeachment against RADICAL LGBTQ ACTIVIST U.S. District Judge John Bates. His attempt to block President Trump's order to remove webpages containing resources for "gender-affirming care" from government sites is appalling.

    At no point in American history has the judiciary considered the surgical or chemical castration of healthy children to be a compelling or even legitimate health concern and it shouldn't start now.

    We must protect our children from predators like Judge Bates.

    1. P.S. Don't worry. I'm on X incognito.

    2. Clearly Andy Ogles knows *nothing* about transgender surgery. He seems to buy Trump's line that it's quick and easy. It is not, and children are not involved. Hate these IDIOTS ~Susan

    3. {listener}
      Ah, you two excellent women!!

      People who don’t know what they’re talking about, like Rep. Ogles, yet who run off at the mouth, are causing a lot of misinformation and disinformation to be disseminated.

  7. Can’t thank Renee enough for rescuing me, especially as it turns out *I’m* the one who changed my password somehow back in 2022! But I was not able to sign out and in for the blog! I can sign out, but when I click “sign in” it doesn’t show me the sign in place; just some info about Blogger. So I have no way to be Admin on my iPad.

    I was willing to shift to using my iPad only, but even if I could figure out the blog issue, I use Zoom a lot for meetings, and the iPad camera is wonky: It is off to one side, so it never looks like you're looking at the person you're speaking with. Moreover, the camera randomly zooms in and out, which is terribly distracting. So, a new computer is in my future.
