Monday, October 02, 2006

The list just keeps growing

Reynolds' Chief of Staff tried to get ABC to cover up evidence of Foley predatory sex chat (via AmericaBLOG)

AmericaBLOG also has the video of Hastert's interview on CNN.

"The first I was really aware of this was last Friday, when it happened, and all of a sudden the press came out and said that there were these e-mails that were from 2003, I guess, and Congressman Foley resigned. That's when I learned of it, at that point.

Reporter: ...Tom Reynolds said that he spoke with you about it last spring.

Hastert: You know, I don't recall Reynolds talking to me about that, but if he did, he brought it in with a whole stack of things. And I think if he would have had that discussion, he would have said it was also resolved, because it's my understanding now that it was resolved at that point. The family had gotten what it wanted to get.

Interesting, huh? *If* he knew about it, he figured it was resolved because "the family had gotten what it wanted to get"? So as long as that one family was allegedly satisfied with "what they got", we don't have to worry about any other pages? Until one of their families complains, I suppose.

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