Reid: A Sad Anniversary of a Sorry Public Relations Stunt
Text of the floor remarks of Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, as published in U.S. Newswire.
...To their families, to the families of all 2,404 U.S. troops who have fallen in Iraq, and to the thousands of families who have loved ones serving there now, our thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you are proud of your sons and daughters, and I am confident our nation's people are also proud of them. Their exemplary patriotism, dedication and competence speaks volumes.
Mr. President, I mention our troops and these fallen Nevadans for a reason.
Today, our country marks an unfortunate anniversary-the three year anniversary of President Bush donning a flight suit to declare "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq.
President Bush's dramatic landing on the aircraft carrier the Abraham Lincoln will be marked historically as a public relations stunt gone horribly wrong.

More pictures of Chimpy McFlightsuit at The Peace Pretzel. The pResident, on that day of the photo-op, proclaimed May 1 to be "Loyalty Day", and he is still calling it that.
Loyalty Day is also a time for us to reflect on our responsibilities to our country as we work to show the world the meaning and promise of liberty. The right to vote is one of our most cherished rights and voting is one of our most fundamental duties. By making a commitment to be good citizens, flying the American flag, or taking the time to learn about our Nation's history, we show our gratitude for the blessings of freedom.
Regarding that cherished right to vote, Upper Arlington Progressive Action has some suggestions for Ohioans going to the polls tomorrow.
Voting hours on Tuesday, May 2nd are from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM. If you are in line at 7:30, you are still entitled to your vote.
When you enter, ask for a Democratic ballot.
Ohio has new electronic voting machines in many places.
If you are unsure how to use the machine, ask a poll worker for help.
Review your ballot, and make sure you have voted for every candidate you intended to vote for.
Voting is your right, and nobody should be able to take it away from you.
Speaking of people who might want to take our right to vote from us, gubernatorial candidate/Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has been running radio ads encouraging registered Democrats to ask for Republican ballots in tomorrow's primary. Hamilton County Democrats have cried foul, and ask that Blackwell pull the radio ads or resign as Secratary of State.
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