Reflections from Howard Dean
I just visited the Democratic Party blog and found that they have posted a statement from Howard Dean on the National Day of Prayer. Before I go on, I just wanted to say that I am mindful of keeping a balance here, and figured that if I managed to get a new post up tonight, it would *not* be something else on the NDOP.
But, it's from Howard! Can you blame me? And for a post at Howard-Empowered People, it would just be wrong to merely tack a link on to my earlier post.
In a post called "Reflections"...
Governor Dean on a National Day of Prayer: For people of all faiths, prayer is a powerful act of devotion. Today, people of faith gather all across the country to reflect on our many blessings as a nation and to seek thoughtful discernment on the many challenges before us.
We know that the suffering of our neighbors, both domestic and around the world, is a burden we must work to alleviate. For the nearly 1 in 5 American children living in poverty, for the nearly 46 million Americans who are uninsured, for the millions of refugees around the world, and for the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives lost to genocide in Darfur, we must come together around these and other common concerns to offer hope. Today and every day, we must strive to find the moral high ground to impact real change.Today we reaffirm our commitment to work to heal our nation and to come together around our shared values to rebuild our American community with honesty, security and opportunity and to demonstrate moral leadership around the globe.
I've been off looking for some pictures of Howard that would go well with this post. This photo is from his trip to Israel in September of 2005.

There are a lot of great pictures in John Pettit's Cloudview gallery here, but since there are pretty explicit directions that those photos are not to be published without written permission, I'll have to settle for posting a link to the gallery.
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