Message from Howard Dean on the SOTU has this post up at the Democratic Party blog:
"Message from Governor Dean on the State of the Union"
Governor Dean sent the following message to Democrats across the country following the president's speech tonight.
Dear Fellow Democrat,
Remember this? "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."
Those are George Bush's famous 16 words from his 2003 State of the Union address, delivered less than two months before he sent troops into war in Iraq.
They were false. Three years later Americans are still demanding answers on the manipulation of intelligence by an administration eager to start a war.
Americans have a lot of questions that went unanswered tonight. When George Bush delivered his State of the Union address, he had a big megaphone and the world's attention. He had the opportunity to regain some degree of credibility with the American people -- more than half of whom disapprove of his performance as president. But he failed to answer the real questions ordinary Americans have about the state of our union:
Click here to read the rest, and check out the following links for more reporting and pictures of last night's festivities.

AP Photo
Satisfactions v. Signatures
Live at Satisfaction in North Carolina
What a Difference 30 Minutes Makes
Watch Parties Getting Started
Governor Dean Just Got off the Stage
Governor Dean Introduction Video
More Photos from North Carolina
Join the Party ... Here's the Conference Call Information
Photos: Dean in North Carolina
One more piece from Howard Dean's response to the State of the Union:
Please take the time to write a letter to the editor about what's wrong with the Republican priorities -- and what we'll do to put America on the right track:
And here's the Kos diary by Tim Tagaris: Governor Dean in NC: Template for a New Democratic Party. Click and recommend, if you're a Kos member.
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