Tuesday evening news
Just wanted to share a few interesting tidbits before the night is over. There are a number of interesting posts over at Crooks and Liars. There's a link to a report on today's Senate vote on Iraq, and to the Think Progress take on Sam Alito's spin of his statements about abortion in the 1980s:
Alito is now dismissing the document, claiming he was just saying what he needed to say to ingratiate himself with his potential bosses in the Reagan administration. Here’s what Alito told Sen. Diane Feinstein this afternoon.
It was different then. I was an advocate seeking a job. It was a political job.
Translation: those weren’t my personal views, I was just lying to get a job.
Also, just gotta love the Crooks and Liars coverage of the latest Bill O'Reilly absurdities.

Next, from Americablog: US, caught lying, admits to using chemical weapons against enemies in Iraq
From The Mercury News: Sheehan plans to resume protest near Bush ranch
The fallen soldier's mother who drew thousands to her 26-day war protest near President Bush's Crawford ranch this summer plans to return for Thanksgiving next week, despite new county ordinances banning roadside camping.
Cindy Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif., and at least a dozen supporters are prepared to be arrested as they return to the makeshift campsite along the road leading to Bush's ranch, where he is expected to spend the holiday.
"It's significant that we do not let up on this administration," said Hadi Jawad, co-founder of the Crawford Peace House, which supported the protesters during their August vigil. "It is critical for our democracy that we continue to ask the same questions that Cindy Sheehan asked this summer: What is the noble cause for the war with Iraq, and at what point do we say enough bloodshed has happened?"
And finally, on the DNC site, a post from Tim Tagaris about Howard Dean's performance on Meet the Press: Chairman Dean Speaks For Me
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