Tuesday, November 15, 2005

How to Speak the Name of God

By Subway Serenade...

The Bible says that no one can speak the Name of God and live to tell about it. I don't know who put that line in The Book, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Folks throughout the world speak the Name of God quite often. Not with their lips, but with their hearts.

I'm in love with my wife and there are times, in quiet moments when we feel like two halves of the same person. There are times when I stand on the roof of my building watching lightning dancing on rainbows and I feel a Oneness with all of creation. Who among us has ever experienced the embrace of an infant? Even Jesus said that if two or more are gathered...

As it turns out, there are reasons why rumors persist that the Name of God cannot be spoken. First among these is the human need to name things. God's Name existed before language. It presumably existed before anything. So words like Yweh, or Brahma and even God tended to diminish the enormity of what was actually being named in the first place.

I have said repeatedly here and in the smoking section, that Love Is God, and the Name of Love is written not on the lips or the tongue or the mind. It is written in and spoken from the Heart.

So let your hearts sing your Empathy. Let them shout your Compassion. Let them celebrate your Oneness with all that is. For when you do so, you are singing the Name of God.

Hope you don't mind if I sing along...

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