It's Kilroy vs Pryce for OH-15
Some good news to share, although I really do know that it's bittersweet as well. Mark Losey has exited the race to become the Ohio 15th district representative. I just read the diary over at MyDD, and I know it must have been hard to write. Dean people know as well as anyone that it can be hard to unite behind a candidate after working really hard for another candidate. The diary shows true class...
Frankly, Commissioner Kilroy already enjoys much of the Democratic support we were working to earn before the primary. The time for Democratic unity is now. By encouraging our supporters to put their efforts behind Mary Jo Kilroy, and continue the fight for change, we can defeat Deborah Pryce and send a voice to Congress that represents regular Ohioans.
This is who Kilroy will be running against:
Rep. Deborah Pryce, R-Ohio, lauded Kerry's Nov. 3 concession and his decision not to join Thursday's challenge. "Apparently, such admirable qualities do not apply to certain extreme elements of Senator Kerry's own party," she said.
Last time I checked, rolling over was not an admirable quality, but I guess that depends on which side of the aisle you are sitting on. Allowing voters to be disenfranchised is *definitely* not an admirable quality.

Fight fiercely, Deaniacs! And Go, Mary Jo!
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