Open Thread
Since we're up to 100 comments, I thought I should put a new thread up before going to sleep. If you haven't checked out Street Prophets yet, there's a lot of good stuff there. I definitely need to find time to read more the diaries over there. Here's the compline for Thursday night, in which musin85 attempts to do a Taize prayer service online. In my optical illusions diary over there, I've added a few more reversible images in the comments. By the way, thank you to jc for creating the "cheat sheets" to help people see the father and son in the image I posted earlier.
Terri in Tokyo has a diary at Kos, Congressional Black Caucus - Derelicts and the Honor Roll. Go show it some love, why don'tcha.
I, like many people here, will not be able to make it to the rally in Washington D.C. this weekend. I hope that some of you who do attend will share your stories and pictures with us. We'd love it if you would send those first person accounts, or any front page story submissions, to howardempowered at
Finally, prayers, positive energy, and general well-wishing going out to all who are in the path of Hurricane Rita.

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