Thursday, December 12, 2024

Winter Lights at Shelburne Museum



  1. From the Great Minds Work in the Same Way Files: HCR points out similarities between the United States of today and of the years leading up to the Civil War. [Click] Will we see another John Brown? Patriotic Treason [Click] remains a favorite book of mine; it gives insight into the newspapers of the pre-Civil War era, and shows Brown was a true revolutionary in the modern sense.

    1. I do not anticipate an equivalent in the US of the Cheka, [Click], the Kempeitai, [Click] or the Stasi, [Click] but it may well not be for lack of trying.

  2. I can't locate it now, but this morning or last night I read a bit about an opinion survey that seemed legitimate. The participants were asked if Trump is an autocrat, and the most common response was "What's an autocrat?"

    1. AUGHHHH!!!! "Oh what fools these mortals be!"

    2. As The Bad Boy or Baltimore said, no one ever lost money or political office by underestimating the intelligence of the common man.
