Monday, November 04, 2024

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  1. Tonight I am thinking of how much I miss everyone.
    I miss Catreona and Susan and W.A. and Renee
    And I miss Demetrius and Kimmy.
    Also I miss puddle and jc and tc and, well, everyone.
    What an amazing Blog we had in the Dean Days...
    With Maura and Phil*in*Iowa and Holly J and so many!

    I'm deeply grateful for all you post here Alan, and nordy and all.
    I want to see Dean People!! 🐋💙

    1. Yes, I also miss all those people we don't see here any longer. I am grateful to have a safe place to share with friends political and other interesting things that catch my fancy as well as theirs. But AH! for the days when we had hundreds of posts in a day, posted by people from coast to coast and even occasionally beyond. As memory serves me, we had occasional days with more than 700 posts. For me work was a place to work, not to make friends; and I hardly remember any of the names of my fellow college or university students. But here we have some common interests.

    2. I didn't follow the Dean blog closely; too many posts. Isn't HEP something different? I wasn't aware of it until the campaign was over and Cat invited me to join.

  2. In re the lead photo, working at McDonalds and driving a garbage truck were just cosplay for Trump. I suspect that there was someone else operating the truck, just as there was someone else making the french fries.

  3. I miss the days of the old blog too. I miss them all. -- nordy

    1. But I agree with Alan that this blog is good and good for me. I'm here for the duration. -- nordy

  4. Gorgeous fall day yesterday. The sky a mix of clouds and blue, the fall colors at their height. A high of 51, with that fall crispness in the air. Today it's heavy rain and high winds. I'm staying home. -- nordy

  5. RIP Quincy Jones, a great figure in popular music, dead at age 91. -- nordy

  6. From a discussion thread on

    Christopher Kaufman
    My dad took me canvassing for Humphrey when I was six. I stepped in dog poop and the fellow from his porch steps said “welcome to politics”. Been canvassing ever since. :)


    1. Quite different from my experience. Dean was the first candidate I canvassed for. I believe I was 68 at the time. I think I was 82 when I decided I was just no longer up for it.

    2. The first and last time I wrote letters was for Howard in the Iowa primary. I wrote until my right hand was not just numb, but painful up to the elbow, day after day. All for nothing. Enough.

    3. It wasn't for nothing, Alan. Because of Dean's bloggers and popularity, he became DNC Chair and pushed the 50 State Strategy. We have learned a LOT from Dean.

  7. Just seen on the Cat Ladies blog:

    “I am JD Vance’s cousin.
    I am a childless cat lady.
    And I voted for Kamala Harris.”

    She continued with words of comfort for folks who have DT supporters in their family.

  8. Michael Tomasky: Trump campaign officials preparing for a loss. [Click] It is well worthwhile clicking through to the source article in The New Republic. It has a “disable your ad blocker” pop-up, but I could just click right through it.

  9. We went shopping, banking and made a quick clinic stop. There were SO many cars on the streets, for no reason (like going to work, home, or lunch) that was obvious to us. I joked that maybe they were stocking up for their election watch parties tomorrow. I saw a real rara avis---- a Trump bumper sticker. I think it may be the only one I have seen this year. And it was very small--- no more than a third of the regular size.

  10. How to get through election day
    Mark Leibovich
    The Atlantic
    Take a walk. Leave your phone at home. Steer clear of any news, stimuli, or people that could raise your blood pressure. This almost certainly includes Trump, who will probably declare a massively premature (and maybe erroneous) victory, no matter what the early returns say. Yes, this will be deeply irresponsible, but it should surprise no one. And any energy you devote to reacting will only sap your reserves for later, when you will need them. -- nordy

    1. I'll be walking to my polling place. And later to a restaurant for dinner. Then I'll start listening to results.

  11. Sounds good, nordy. Physical anxiety symptoms have kicked in. I feel like I'm meant to be buying bottled water or something. Definitely a good plan to steer away from any additional distressing stimuli.

  12. If you are able to get to this page, it will do you much good to listen to Heather Cox Richardson's words today. She spoke simply about staying calm and even said that, even if things go poorly tomorrow, "we know how to do this." She is confident because she knows history so well and understands how it all works and doesn't.

  13. NH's Dixville Notch has voted.
    Harris/Walz 3
    DT./Vance. 3
