Sunday, October 27, 2024

(9) V🌊O🇺🇸T🦋E



  1. Replies
    1. This kid knows more about the difference than Trump does. -- nordy

  2. I looked up the seating capacity at Madison Square Garden; it varies by type of event, but tops out at about twenty thousand.

  3. Replies
    1. Fox News reported on that too around midday. So the venue won't be completely empty. RATS! But, surely, he won't come close to filling it!

      I had a couple weeks of feeling pretty good, but now I'm really worried again. How can they possibly be in a statistical heat? Just how is that possible?

    2. I doubt very much that it is really so. Allan Lichtman's prediction has not changed. The pollsters tend to gravitate to their mean so that if they are off, they will have company.

      As for DT's rally, it is impossible to predict how long he will keep them waiting, how addled he will be, or how many will walk out during his performance. Hmmmm..... it's now 7:30 PM Eastern Time, so maybe the festivities have begun.

  4. The Polls Could Definitely Be Wrong
    October 27, 2024 By Taegan Goddard

    “Most debates over whether the election polls are off focus on whether they’re once again underestimating Donald Trump, as they did in 2016 and 2020.
    But there’s a compelling argument that this time, the polls might actually be underestimating Kamala Harris.
    The composition of the electorate has shifted noticeably since Joe Biden unexpectedly exited the race, with Harris stepping in just 100 days ago.

    As Ms. Magazine wrote just after the Democratic convention:” [Click] Yes, read this! A real Doc Feelzgood column!

  5. Replies
    1. Holy shit! This is VERY frightening stuff!
