Monday, October 28, 2024

(8) Morality



  1. After DT's speakers trounced Puerto Rico, Kamala Harris reached out to Puerto Rico.
    He and his crowd are their own worst enemy. (Talk about the enemy within.)

  2. Ohhhh myyyyy!
    This is a must read…please.
    This is what happened at Madison Square Garden on Sunday. It’s reprehensible.

    Heather Cox Richardson

    1. Yep, I read the column; very good. I noted particularly something I thought might happen: Trump appeared (two) hours later than scheduled, and members of the audience walked out on him while he was speaking. Trump changing to Proud Boy colors is choice. I hope there are enough voters-to-be who have not yet done their civic duty.

  3. I’ll fix my double post tomorrow.
    Definitely click and read HCR’s daily letter…!

    1. I stick by my opinion that the US can't handle the collapse of a major political party well because we don't have enough experience with it. We haven't had it happen since the collapse of the Whig Party in the 1850's; The UK, France, Germany, Canada, Japan and many other parliamentary democracies have it happen far more frequently---maybe even three times in a lifetime.

  4. As I was waking up this morning my thoughts turned to the Reichstag fire and how Hitler used it as an excuse to suspend the parliament, seize control, and attack his political opponents. There is in the plaza in front of the Reichstag building a memorial to the Reichstag members murdered by the Nazis; a very good monument--- a group of stones, one for each victim, all slanted to one side. No names on the stones, and I think no explanation, or at least a very understated one. I remain in awe of the reconstruction of the Reichstag building; the winning design was by a British architect. Small wonder that it took so long to decide to rebuild it and how. The repurposing of the Tempelhof Aerodrome is also remarkable.

    1. "at least a very understated one" should read "at most a very understated one"

  5. Obeying in Advance [Click] Yale historian Timothy Snyder says the acquiescence of the owners of the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post violates the first rule of the fight against tyranny.

  6. This morning I walked a full 2km for the first time in quite a while, albeit with a few stops and carrying a cane as a precaution.

    1. I hope to get back to doing it five days per week (we omit Thursday and Friday for grocery shopping).

    2. So good to hear that you're out for your constitutional again!

  7. Was it just me, or did anyone else notice the hellish lighting at the MSG rally, all reds and purples? That was disturbing right off the bat, to say nothing of the speakers - so crude, so filled with malice and hatred. I'm not really into "energy" but, man, there was some seriously bad juju emanating from that place! It's difficult not to be frightened.

    1. I could NOT watch. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

    2. Same here.

  8. Replies
    1. I continue to wonder if the MSG managed to make Trump pay in advance; his desire to have an event there might have been stronger than his tendency to stiff hosts.

  9. Guardian: JD Vance says Americans need to 'stop getting so offended at every little thing' when asked about Puerto Rico remarks
    As Donald Trump’s campaign faces intense criticism over racist remarks from a speaker at the Republican candidate’s New York rally on Sunday, JD Vance has responded by saying that Americans need to “stop getting offended”. -- nordy

    1. That's called gaslighting...perpetrators telling victims that they are the problem.

  10. Off topic video from the Marvels of Modern Technology file: OpenAI Medical Transcription Tool Hallucinates During Doctor-Patient Interaction [Click]

  11. F-35 Dominates Russian-Made Air Defenses in Iran as Putin Becomes Laughing Stock [Click] Ukraine destroys another Russian arms depot inside Russia, this one with huge numbers of ballistic missiles.
