Thursday, August 29, 2024

listener's Yard Sign



  1. That's good.

  2. My eyes have been very uncomfortable for two or three days, and my unmedicated eye drops haven't helped. I checked the weather report and they say high ragweed pollen. I borrowed my sweetie's medicated eye drops, and they seem to have already (within 5-10 minutes) helped significantly. I am not often afflicted by hay fever.

    1. Cat, here is a link to a Trump photo. I hope it's what you were looking for. He's attacking Liz
      Cheney and he has his mouth open. I'm not sure I copied this right. nordy

  3. High school football has become a public health crisis. It’s time to take action [Click] I have considerable doubts that foolishness is readily curable.

    1. Alan, four of the six deaths described were due to exposure to excessive heat--obviously in the recent heat waves. These kids aren't just dying from head injuries. --nordy

    2. And when I was growing up, the high school football season began in mid-September.

    3. School began after Labor Day.

    4. This year the schools in Kennebunk, Maine elected to begin after Labor Day! So some of our grands will be headed back next Tuesday. Eldest*Grand starts college at the same time. She went to college a week early, though, to take part in a field trip with the wildlife biiology dept (her major).

  4. Replies
    1. So sad! Karla Dana (incredibly gifted and talented) was 29, the youngest aboard.
      It's an historic replica, which Root*Center*Son saw back in '95-96 up in Newfoundland, while crewing on a friend's yawl.

    2. It seems an awfully small boat for such a crossing. [Click] And it would seem reasonable to have oxhide tarps to help keep water from coming over the gunwales. I remember reading the story of a group sailing from the UK, via the Faroes, to Iceland in an attempt to recreate the alleged voyage(s) of Irish monks by cockle(s). They noted that woolen clothing was better than modern synthetics, and an oxhide was better at keeping water out than were modern ones. Having grown up on the North Pacific coast, I subscribe to the proposition that there is no need to fear the ocean, but one must treat it with very great respect.

    3. "better at keeping water out than were modern tarps" was intended.

  5. Any vote for DT is reprehensible.

    1. Esprcially considering the story, which confirms NPR's version of the same, that a "physical altercation" occurred at Arlington.WASHINGTON (AP) — An Arlington National Cemetery official was “abruptly pushed aside” in an altercation with former President Donald Trump’s staff during a wreath-laying ceremony to honor service members killed in the Afghanistan War withdrawal, but she declined to press charges, an Army spokesman said Thursday.

      The Army spokesman said the cemetery employee was trying to make sure those participating in the wreath-laying ceremony earlier this week were following the rules, which “clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds.”

    2. The Arlington incident appears also to be wearing a hole in Vance's slick persona.
      Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance said Wednesday that Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris “can go to hell.”

      The caustic comment came in response to a reporter’s question about an “altercation” Monday at Arlington National Cemetery, where Trump reportedly posed for photos over the objections of cemetery officials. --nordy

    3. Yes, and Harris hadn't even said a word about it. Vance insinuated that she had.

    4. Vance has a "slick" persona? Maybe that is a typographical error for "sick."

    5. The victim should press charges. I am of the opinion that anyone who can sue or bring charges against Trump (and/or the skum that work for him) absolutely ought to do so. I was thinking of it initially with regard to all the music he has used without permission. Every musician/estate he has ripped off ought to sue him, and include costs (that is, he has to pay their legal fees if he loses).

      I certainly hope a case results from his breaking the law with respect to campaign events in national cemeteries. Yet another way in which he disrespects service members and veterans.

    6. Trump and his creatures did not merely break a "rule" with their behavior, the broke a LAW. I understand that the cemetery employee said she did not seek redress because she was afraid of criminal retribution.

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah, Vermont has always lead the nation in spirit! Vermont was asked for 2800 soldiers for the Civil War and sent 30,000 volunteers. We were the first to outlaw slavery in our state constitution.

    2. But it makes sense, when you consider how harsh the land and climate was here. The fields were full of large stones and double digiit sub zeros and deep snows were a lot to bear without our modern conveniences. You had to be tough to be a Vermonter.

  7. Video: Lost Aztec Codex Containing History of Tenochtitlan Found! [Click] Not a lot of information, but important if true.

  8. Video: Allan Lichtman Live #70 [Click] Nate Silver should go soak his head. [My words, not Dr. Lichtman’s.] The Arlington incident.

  9. Anyone else watching the CNN interview with Harris & Walz? I am. It's good so far.

    1. I expect nothing less.

    2. Ben Meiselas video: [Click] I guess this is the condensed and annotated version.

    3. I watched a few minutes; Ms Harris completely overpowered the CNN interviewer.

    4. I went back and sampled some of Gov. Walz's part; he did well too. Not as well as Ms Harris, but I suspect she will prove to be one of the best public speakers to hold the Presidency in at least a generation. JFK and Reagan (before he became clearly senile) were notably good too. Maybe I will see if I can find some examples of Truman and FDR for comparison.

  10. Wisconsin and Illinois health officials report three deaths from West Nile virus [Click] Some years ago a local attorney of my acquaintance came down with it; he decided to take a quick dip in his swimming pool in the evening and was bitten by a mosquito. He nearly died of it; other attorneys took over his pending cases and kept his business going until he recovered. Strangely, there is a WNV vaccine for horses, but not for humans. I seem to recall that it is considerably more dangerous for horses---- but vaccines for horses can probably be developed and approved for use much more easily than for humans.
