Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Blue Sky Over Snow



  1. Raining like krezzy here. Still got snow on the ground.

  2. Must have gotten more snow over night. Lights have flickered a couple of times. Good power strip.

  3. Miserable weather here. A mix of sleet and snow early, then later in the day we're slated to get heavy rain, with that continuing overnight and into tomorrow. ICK!

  4. In my view, the big storm predicted for here was a bust. There was a bit of snow overnight, but since then it has been rain, not particularly heavy. Most of the snow, including that left over from earlier, is going away.

    1. Smow has resumed as the temperature dropped in the late afternoon. No way to tell how much it will be.

  5. W.A., I envy your storm. Ours is a different system and is still charging up the coast.

    NW VT (on the western slopes of the Green Mountains), where 60-70mph winds are predicted.
    Got our first ever alert from Green Mountain Power today:

    "GMP Alert: A storm tonight is forecasted to bring wet heavy snow, high winds, outages & dangerous road conditions. Crews positioned to respond. Stay safe."

    Wil is out taking down the outdoor Christmas tree lights.

  6. Blogger not cooperative again. —— Alan

    Sure hope listener will be OK— hurricane force winds (see her post at the end of the previous thread)— Gee. Good luck for others way back east too—puddle, Cat.

    U.S. Sees Largest Covid Wave Since Omicron
    [Click] New strain very infections, less dangerous. Wouldn’t be surprised if that were what we came down with. I had classic “flu-like” symptoms, which I have not had from flu in decades.

    Polar Vortex Threatens to Disrupt Iowa Caucuses [Click]

    Looks like it will be warmer here today than yesterday; no frost to speak of, no breeze, only very thin clouds with sunshine. Expect to get some more pruning done in the front yard this afternoon.

    More snow in the high mountains since the last time we could see them.

    1. Yay! Could post. Will go outside and continue pruning before long.

    2. We decided to delay gardening for a day or two.

    3. We're fine here. We have near hurricane force winds, but it's not really hurriance strength until it hits 73mph. We're only predicted to hit 71mph in about 2 hours from now.

    4. I have had it in mind since I was young that a Gale was 35 mph or stronger winds, and a hurricane 70 mph or more. I stand corrected. Vide Beaufort Scale [Click]

  7. Replies
    1. No wonder he didn't publicize it, poor fellow. How embarrassing to have that splashed all over the news. And the goddamned Republicans calling for him to be fired! No decency, no delicacy, no respect. Sorry if it sounds childish, but I hate MAGA Republicans!

    2. Cancer surgery is embarassing?? If surgery were the treatment recommended for me, I'd probably post it on Facebook. I've certainly told enough people about the treatment I am getting.

    3. Many people do not like to discuss their private parts, and having them discussed repeatedly on national news is a much bigger deal than on Facebook among one's friends. While there's nothing to be embarrassed about in needing surgery, and much to celebrate in being eligible for surgery, one still might not want to have it bantered about by every person and get lots of unwanted advice from acquaintances. That said, it seems he went into hospital swiftly and should have had the person who took over for him know and tell the President.

    4. Hey puddle...remember the West Wing episode where the President goes into surgery and they forget to have him sign the document about who's in charge while he's under anesthesia?

  8. It's raining steadily but from the sounds of it, not particularly heavily.

  9. POW! ⚡️
    We've lost power.

    Heavy wet snow here plus gusts to 66 so far.
    Prediction says gusts to 70 around 3am.
    We're fine. Still have heat and were prepared with battery lights and candles.
    Just hoping we don't lose trees.

    1. Annnnnd...we're back!💡
      The spirits did it all in one hour!
      Well done, Green Mtn Power!

    2. I am reminded of a college roommate of mine who had worked for the telephone company. Once he was stationed at a place with a huge diesel generator that provided backup power for areas of a couple of states. The starter batteries were big enough to turn the engine over TWICE. One time the power was needed and they tried to start the generator; it started to turn over, made it all the way around, and stopped. They tried it a second time; it slowly, slowly began to grind around, and just seconds before it turned over once, the engine started.
