Sunday, January 07, 2024

After the Snowfall



  1. More snow than I got, by a long shot! I'm jealous! xox

    1. Just the right amount of snow here for me; low-hanging clouds are clearing. I seem to be fully recovered from the upper respiratory virus we shared a couple weeks back, not that it was ever debilitating.

    2. Actually, that photo was set to post back in December. But it looks similar today, except that it's still snowing, so no blue sky yet. Maybe 3" of snow so far.

  2. Josh Marshall: Why January 6th is More Important Now Than It’s Ever Been [Click] BTW, I caught portions of Mr. Biden’s speech yesterday; first rate public speaking IMO.

  3. Joe Blogs [Video]: CHINA $3 Trillion Debt Contagion Risk as Shadow Banking Giant Zhongzhi Files for Bankruptcy [Click] I am amazed that the Chinese government let this happen.

    Electric Viking [video]Electric scooters destroying oil demand 4 times faster than electric cars [Click]

    GOP Could Lose The House By March [Click] I won’t be holding my breath waiting for this to happen, but certainly wouldn’t mind!

    1. Last item is a video also.

  4. Size Perspective:
    Vermont: 9,616 square miles
    Israel: 8,550 square miles
    New York City: 469 square miles
    Philadelphia, PA: 141.7 square miles
    Gaza Strip: 140.9 square miles

    Vermont: 645,570
    Israel: 9,364,000
    New York City: 8,468,000
    Philadelphia, PA: 1,576,000
    Gaza Strip: 2,048,000

  5. Replies
    1. We got something between eight and nine inches of snow. Now, this is what Winter is supposed to look like!

    2. ☃️ Yay! You got real snow!
      We got about 4"...plow guy is here now.

  6. Got about an inch. Is melting now. Sob.

  7. Not letting me publish. Yesterday I picked up some meds, gave my birth year - 1944 and said, "I'm an old". She laughed and then said, "That'll be 19.24" I said, "No, 1944". She said, "No, that's the price." I laughed and said, "See, I told you I'm an old.". Hopefully my earlier partial comment won't show up to foul the works. (Susan)

    1. Well, getting there I guess. I'm 1936. And yes, that's closer to the Civil War than to the present day.

    2. Egad! That's quite a perspective, Bill.
      ----Alan (Who can no longer legitimately refer to himself as a "proto-geezer."

    3. Testing---Blogger seems to allow me to post comments when it won't accept a new item
      Mouse secretly filmed tidying man’s shed every night [Click]

  8. Replies
    1. {listener}

      LOL, I was just coming here to post the same story! Pretty funny that a mouse would do this every night, especially when it doesn’t involve food.
