Monday, August 21, 2017


Be sure to note today's eclipse, 
even if you're not in the totality area.  

Where I am in Vermont, we'll see about 60% eclipse.  How about you?  And remember to wear your solar eclipse glasses!! 

If you miss out this time, take heart.  The eclipse on Tuesday 8 April 2024 will also be a total solar eclipse for parts of the USA.  It will be my first total solar eclipse since 2 October 1959.  I was four years old then, in Boston, and it was overcast.

NASA says, of 2024...

The totality path will cross northern Vermont (including Burlington), southern Canada (including Montreal), northern New Hampshire and a large swath of northern Maine. It will peak mid-afternoon.
Like today's eclipse, this one will also be visible across the continental U.S., with Carbondalle, Illinois, being the lucky city seeing total solar eclipses in both 2017 and 2024.


  1. It wasn't an eclipse, it was an IQ test. . . .

    1. And Cheetolini failed by staring directly at the sun. Yup, he's a moron.

    2. Ohhh myyy, Susan, I actually thought you were joking. But no!
      Our role model. Egads.

  2. There were exceedingly thin clouds here that seemed to temporarily disperse during the eclipse, and didn't adversely affect viewing as far as I could tell. The light dimmed, overall, rather like early twilight. One of my coworkers brought and shared a set of "eclipse glasses," but my pinhole in a card and a second white card for a screen worked well also. Maximum occlusion was supposed to be 70-75 per cent., and that's what it looked like to me. I stepped outside to check it three times, not counting my initial check just before going into the building to verify my indirect viewer was working.


  3. We were too far east to see the eclipse.

    A few days ago there was a discussion of this new and (to me) repugnant expression "alt Left." Here's an article on the subject.

    While I do not at all like the tone or the implications, I must admit to seeing the main point. Back in the Blog For America days and the beginnings of this blog, we had a regular contributor known as MaineFem. She was confrontational and contrary. And she hated everyone with the possible exception of Howard, because they weren't pure enough, hardline enough they, God forbid, sometimes compromised. She was a classic example of the perfect being the enemy of the good. Needless to say, she drove me bananas, not least because of her naive, stubborn refusal to accept the reality that sometimes you have to go with the good along the way to achieving the perfect. She is what I think of when reading this article. And as such the author has a point. For the rest, though, seems to me she's just spreading the same old anti-Sanders invective, in so doing scapegoating us as a way to avoid facing up to the shortcomings of the party establishment.

    Anyway, I thought you guys ought to see it. Have some antacid handy though.

    The Alt-Left Is Becoming The Democrats’ Tea Party — And They Must Be Stopped - Click

    1. I didn't read the whole thing, but what this article calls the "alt-Left" isn't what I mean by the term. To me, the alt-Left is the people really out on the extreme -- various varieties of Communists, for example. It's true, as both you and the article's author point out, that there are people within what may broadly be called our group that are so hung up on ideological purity that pretty much nobody is going to meet their standards. Not good, although it's not clear to me at the moment that this is a serous threat.

      And did I miss something by not reading the whole thing, or is this article just about kamala Harris rather than any broader topic?

    2. The Alt-Left is a fiction dreamed up by the Right. Those masters of words that don't mean what you think, like "Right to Work" and so on. The Democratic Establishment jumped on that like a duck on a june bug because it gives them another hammer to slam Bernie supporters with AND it absolves them of having to change because those who don't agree with them are just radical and/or crazed. They can kiss my fat old ass.

    3. Bill, by my reading you didn't miss anything. It was all about, or at least sparked by, Harris. I agree that the extremist, purist types are not a major problem. What Susan says is spot on, as usual. This argument is the same one they've been using since the election to explain away Clinton's loss. Since that was the fault of those nasty old Sanders supporters, they don't have to think or change or do anything. These whinging crybabies give me such a pain in the arss!

    4. Catreona, you actually were not too far east to see the eclipse, as it was also visible in Boston and southern Maine. And I'm further north than you, so I believe your area saw a 65-68% partial eclipse. If you feel you missed it, have a look at my photos. I'm sure there are also videos and photos all over the internets now.

      Susan, you are spot on about the alleged "alt-left." As Stephen Colbert said, "The opposite of Alt-Right isn't Alt-Left, it's the Not-Nazis!"

  4. Oh, I forgot to mention that one feature of seeing the telescope's display was that the image on the "cone" was constantly inching along, so that Mr. St. Louis had to keep adjusting the position of the telescope every few minutes. The reason? We were witnessing the Earth's rotation! Awesome!!
