Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I'd forgotten that this is an LMM quote!


  1. I wouldn't be too sure even then!


    1. I'm relying on it! ;-)

      There will be much laughter in heaven.

  2. Ugh. I have EXTREME insomnia! This is the third night in a row that I'm awake at this hour since yesterday morning. I didn't nap today. I did a lot of hard physical work and I STILL CAN'T SLEEP. I took two Benadryl, which used to put me out, but nada, nope, not happening. This is really freaking me out because I have SO MUCH WORK to do! I've never ever had insomnia this bad.

  3. Susan--try melatonin. OTC, no hangover. It doesn't last long, but it does get things started, and (depending on the dose) one can take another.


  4. Listen to General Thomas.[Click] Virginian, Unionist, Rock of Chicamauga, the only Civil War general never to have made a military mistake.

    Trump Tower Toronto[Click]

    Thanks to Jay Sekulow, Trump’s attorney,[Click] for the tip! Why doesn’t her just give CNN a map showing where the bodies are? Amateur hour.

    BTW, I still think they should have finished Trump Tower Baku to provide DT with a bolt-hole.

    Durham's Confederate Statue Comes Down[Click]
    It was hollow, very insubstantial, and evidently not secured to its base. Easy.


  5. Susan, well said:

    "The Nazis were not coming to speak. They were coming with shields, brass knuckles, bats, guns and torches. "
