Friday, August 18, 2017

Family Quilt


  1. Poor President Bannon didn't even get to finish his term: Cheetolini has banished him.

    1. Gee! Looking.....

      “The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon. The two administration officials cautioned that Mr. Trump is known to be averse to confrontation within his inner circle, and could decide to keep on Mr. Bannon for some time.”

      I remember reading about the founder of the National Cash Register Company; he was famous for his firings. One highly placed executive drove onto the campus (first factory to have a park-like campus setting) to see his desk on the lawn--in flames.


      "Youse likes doze pretty knees? Just sign here and get 'em movin' out de door. Fast. We don't want dat youse should hurt."

    2. Then there is that great line in "Some Like it Hot" when the police investigator asks the leader of The Friends of Italian Opera what happened to Spats whatever-his-name-was: "Dere was sumpin' in dat cake what disagreed wid him."

  2. If it's Friday, someone has to be fired. Please can it be DT next week???!!!

  3. Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer who was killed by a white supremacist in Charlottesville, has said firmly that she does not want to have a discussion with DT and he needs to know that shaking her hand and saying "I'm sorry" isn't going to make this better. She will never forgive him for equating her daughter with white supremacists. Can you believe that the first time the WH attempted to reach her was ... during the funeral? Talk about crass.

  4. Apparently they're everywhere. A cook at UNO's in South Burlington, Vermont was fired on Tuesday, because he carried a torch in Charlottesville and shouted white supremacist slogans. UNO's said they want to ensure that their workers and customers are safe.

  5. Nuts. I just accidentally erased my whole comment by signing out. Guess I'm too tired to be online!

    1. That has happened to me before, too. Argh!! That and posts just disappearing a quarter second before I hit Reply.

    2. The most annoying part is then having to remember your password and after you figure it out not being able to recall what you were posting about!

  6. Here's a post from someone who was at the counter-protest in Charlottesville. They not only had a permit, they had two.
