Saturday, May 27, 2017

Tree A-bloom in Connecticut


  1. It seems unquestionable that we have a good old-timey newspaper war going on--the NYT and WaPo competing for revelations about the Trump-Russia business, with the WSJ, Reuters and others joining in!

    Good luck with the truck, listener. The University of California has in recent times, made better and better use of summer sessions; motivated students can trim about a year off their undergraduate career by taking classes during the summer, which is a reasonable tradeoff for the dramatic decrease in summer jobs for college students since our salad days. It also makes more effective use of the schools' physical facilities and somewhat stabilizes the rental market. Our daughter stayed at the oldest and biggest housing co-op in Berkeley, and one of the nice things about it compared to the dorms was no need to move out during academic breaks. Being half (or somewhat less? I don't recall exactly) the cost of living in a dorm also didn't hurt one bit. Making allowance for inflation, it was about the same cost as my digs in San Jose when I was an undergraduate, and significantly better, if quite a bit more social.


    1. Well, we could have gotten a truck around 2:30pm. The trouble with that was that it was an hour away and the dump closes at 3:30pm. So we deferred to Wednesday. Mah*Sweetie will work it out to go into work late, and help us with the dump run (which includes some large furniture). After that, Son and I can manage the rest of the stuff.

  2. Lived in College Park (Maryland) for 10 years in the housing section near the school. Once a month there was a special trash day (furniture, etc). You put it out the day before. Often it was picked up by roving students before nightfall, lol!

  3. Letter to the Editor [Click]
    "I am so saddened by the closure of the Ringling Brothers Circus after a 146-year run. Oh, but wait. I have an idea for a new job for the clowns. They could replace the corrupt and unfunny clowns in the White House and Congress with the circus clowns who would at least be funny.

    We’d certainly get a better performance than the buffoons who are there now."

    Let's not forget the lion tamers and all the others! Think of the Roman riders, who are accustomed to galloping around in circles! The aerialists, who are accustomed to walking tightropes and doing double backflips! The knife throwers, who never hit the person they are throwing knives at! All these and others are skills directly transferrable to Congress, it seems to me.


    1. Well, I for one am grateful that the torture of the animals in the circus is done.
      If only the same were true for We the People.
