Bruce The Cat: A Heartwarming Story
Visit The Daily Kitten [Click] to read Bruce's story. Hankie recommended.
Visit The Daily Kitten [Click] to read Bruce's story. Hankie recommended.
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Nice kitty, nice people. Recount funding continuing to come in at a rate of about a million dollars a day, total currently 5.7 million. So maybe we can expect to see seven million before sunrise Monday.
ReplyDeleteThinking of the injuries at Standing Rock, I am reminded of police assaults on (two groups of) peaceful demonstrators in Oakland, California a few years back, resulting in serious injuries. The civil damages were considerable; the Oakland PD has been in disarray ever since (for a collection of reasons, but massive judgements and increased insurance premiums just might have had an effect, I think).
Thinking back to Little Rock, Gov. Faubus was defying a federal court order, which made presidential intervention legally easy. But there is that little bit in the Constitution about the right to peacefully assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances...
Yeah, funny how some people are so hot for the right to carry their firearms wherever they go, but they totally fail to acknowledge the rights to freedom of assembly and of free speech. Funny how that works.
DeleteThe Army Corps of Engineers has served an eviction notice on the Standing Rock camp for December Fifth.
ReplyDeleteClinton campaign to join Wisconsin recount [Click] Pathetic me-too-ism. What the devil are they going to do? Help foot the bill? Try to horn in for free? Bah.
What Was Hillary Clinton’s Story? That she couldn't even come up with a slogan? That it's all somebody [anybody!] else's fault? [Click]
Mark McKinnon: “Winning campaigns create a narrative architecture that ties it all together into something meaningful and coherent, as I articulated last year in a short New York Times op-documentary… The reality TV star understands the power of narrative. He identified a threat: outside forces trying to change the way we live. And an opportunity: make America great again. He established victims: blue-collar workers who have lost jobs or experienced a declining standard of living. He suggested villains: Mexican immigrants, China, establishment elites. He proposed solutions: build a wall, tear up unfair trade deals. And the hero was revealed, Donald Trump. What was Hillary Clinton’s story?”
Using Technology to Put an End to Politicians’ Lies--almost instantly [Click]
The Real Legacy in Jeopardy Under the New Congress? LBJ’s. [Click] I suppose that might not be obvious to many people less than fifty years old.
Trump and Obama offer divergent responses to death of Fidel Castro [Click] President offers careful statement extending ‘hand of friendship’ to Cubans, while his successor launches attack on ‘brutal dictator.’
A pair of pygmies, IMHO.
Fidel Castro's "My Life" is available as an audio book as well as in print. A good listen.
Hillary *couldn't* have a story, because the very villains who are hurting us (banks, corporations, big oil) were the very people who were bankrolling her. She couldn't speak against them and continue to take their money. She didn't seem to realize that we know who the *real* villains are, so she spent her time trashing trump instead of the worst culprits. Now trump *is* a nightmare, but we all knew that, we didn't need her barbs and insults to him to enlighten us.
DeleteRe: Clinton jumping on the recount bandwagon: It makes me sick! Stein did t h is... I'd better not get started. I don't have several hours to waste venting my opinion of HRC!
DeleteSusan--you couldn't mean that the real superpredators were in the executive suites on Wall Street--could you? [Hmmm...I seem to have misplaced my emoji for sarcasm...]
DeleteAs for jumping on the bandwagon, Cat, I think anyone with the brains God gave a goose should be able to see that it is more like running after the bandwagon, shouting "Me too!" Kinda reminiscent of their behavior during the campaign, no?
LOL Alan. Yes, you're right. Typical HRC, too little, too late. Or maybe she just missed the boat. Either way, it's disgusting. And you know she'll get all the credit in the media. *barf*
DeleteClinton's slogan was "Stronger Together." That could have been a good slogan, but she never really created the story to go with it.
DeleteMy message to Peter Welch with the link I included, below:
DeletePeter, seriously, We the People need to hear from President Obama on this. It seems to me unconscionable that adults in this nation are treating other humans violently and cruelly. What does this teach our children, and haven't Native Americans had enough pain? What are we going to do about this?
Bill--As memory serves me "Stronger Together" was one of HRC's slogans; she tried several. I would have had more respect for it if it had been original, rather than lifted from the anti-Scottish independence campaign.
From the WTH? File:
ReplyDeleteCVS employees lock themselves in backroom and call police after black customer asks to buy cheese - Click
Hmmmm...doesn't sound like they are likely to be in the running for the Customer Service Award of The Year. I will have to read the story to see how CVS and the police dealt with it.
"The two men said they attempted to contact the store manager and were unsuccessful, but did receive an apology from a CVS spokesperson who said the employee who called the police was being counseled and retrained." No mention of a coupon for cheese.
Trump doesn’t need a deportation machine. Obama’s already built it. [Click] Just like the wall.
Both very good reads/listens:
ReplyDeleteFidel Castro: My Life. [Click] Hardcover from $4.65, audiobook from $29.27 at
Havana Nocturne: How the Mob Owned Cuba... and Then Lost It to the Revolution [Click] Print copies 99 cents and up at, audiobook from $8.44. A glimpse of some of the evil that the revolution made way for the people to spontaneously destroy.
Bernie Sanders meets Spike Lee: ‘Where do we go? Where is the hope?’ [Click] "The senator and the film-maker discuss Trump, where Clinton went wrong – and how to make a difference in 2017." Looks promising, but I need to get a move on.
Why Anti-Trump Protests Matter - Click
ReplyDeleteWith apologies to Puddle. My attempt to link to the text only version failed. I'll post the text on the front page here on Monday.
It occurs to me that the HRC campaign could participate in the recounts by sponsoring a taco truck and/or providing security at every recount venue. But I suspect that either one would be too rich for their blood. Deplorable me.
In round numbers, recount funding at 6 megabucks now. [Click] That's roughly 1.5 megabucks in 24 hours. Not bad at all. HRC better hurry up if she is going to get her donation in.