Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Midweek Rest Stop

At Dennis Port Beach looking SSW from Cape Cod.


  1. Howard is still first on this fine fresh Hump Day!!

    And, whew!! The modem's at the post office waiting for me! Want you all to, seriously, pray that it works as well as advertised. . . . In fact, even half as well would do. (Can you tell I'm desperate?)

  2. Cat, about finding "documents" in Win7. I just put a shortcut on my desktop. And save to that. Then when I open it from the desktop, there it IS! Sometimes, doc won't open, and it just saves to the desktop. Easy enough just to drag it to docs, and then drag it to the folder I want.

  3. New modem installed: I think I may have died and gone to *heaven*!!!

    I know for you non-dialup types it's not that fast, but between Clementine and the Rosewill, it is *absolutely* the fastest, most reliable connection I've ever had here, in nine years online. w00T!!!!

  4. Listener, lovely photos the past few days.

    Did you ever get Flash to install?

  5. ........................... o ............ o
    ........*O* ..............\\ .. O .. //
    ...."==||==" .............\\ .||. //
    ......... || ......................||
    ........//..\\ ............... == \\
    ......//....// ...............\\ ... \\
    ......=.....= ..............= ......=
    Everybody dance to the sound of the modem!

  6. Hi Cat!

    YES! Liane's notes made the difference!


    So I got to see this today...
    Flash Mob of Beethoven's Ode to Joy!

  7. Thunder storms this evening absolutely nutso: shoulder to shoulder big hot storms headed opposite directions. Normally the just come strolling across west to east and are gone. This was one big roiled up MESS. Up, Down, every which way from Sunday. I've been watching storms as radar for almost ten years, and last year's and this year's just don't match anything earlier. As I said: just nuts!

  8. Puddle, I didn't mean to be so smart arssy. Those battling storms sound very scary.

  9. I've been playing with MSAccess, the latest version. It imported my project fine and data entry is going swimmingly, if rather slowly. But such is the nature of the beast. Overall, I'm pleased at how well I'm getting on.

    There's a field in one of the tables where I need to be able to bring in multiple items (records, Access calls them) from another table. Finally worked out that it is possible to make the data type in that field "Lookup Wizard," which creates a combo box from which to select a record from the other table. Trouble is, the combo box only allows for one record to be selected. I'm *this* close to making the table work the way I need it to, but nowhere can I find mention of a way to allow multiple selection in the Lookup field. However, I haven't been at it very long. If there's a way, I'll find it, or expire in the attempt. *grin*

  10. Think I'm going to go to bed, or at least read for a while. Finished The Tenant of Wildfell Hall last night and started Agnes Gray, both by Ann Bronte. Both are rereads. It's too hot to concentrate on anything new.

    Stay safe, Puddle and everybody♥

    Good night
