Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beach Flower (name?)


  1. Howard is first, even on this too-hot and too-busy day.

  2. Yep: too hot, and too busy. Me, too. Alas.

  3. Long dreary day struggling wit' dis *stoopid* modem!! The Rosewill is supposed to come tomorrow. Hoping it does!! Also prayin' it's everything it's cracked up to be. . . . Meanwhile finding out more an more of Clementine's abilities. Impressive, really. Anything NOT dependent on the innertubes is lightening fast.

    Got the Kadak program from just plugging in the camera! And *fast*!! If I had a decent internet connection, it'd be like dying and going to heaven, lol!

  4. Raaaaiiiinnnnnnnn!!!!
    FOUR thunderstorms today!!
    The largest is ensuing as I type.
    So far we still have power and the lights have only flickered once.

    1. Wonderful! We got just over an inch between Saturday's and Sunday's storms. MUCH needed rain, I must say. For all the thunder and lightening we've had for the past two weeks, very dang little actual WET. . . .

      And, BTW, so glad the kittens are doing fine.

  5. Thanks, puddle. It was pretty wonderful to hear from the kitties' new vet this morning that they are healthy! Eyes, noses, ears and lungs, all in fine condition! The one glitch is that we left home with two kittens who were flea-free, but when we arrived at the vet's office (3 miles away) they had fleas all over their necks! Turns out there was probably flea larvae in the pet carrier we brought them here in originally; it is vibrations that cause the larvae to hatch...so all it took was the car ride! Yikes! Anyway, they got some Capstar to take and the fleas were toast in just three hours.

    This vet is wonderful and the entire staff top notch...kind and very knowledgeable! We got full and worthwhile answers to every question. The vet and nurse ooh'd and ahh'd over our little kitties, and at one point we saw them trying to catch a flea. I asked if they wanted it for a sample, and the vet said, "No, we just wanted to get rid of it for her." Ha! They're very compassionate, and even sweet. A very good experience!

    The kitties came home having finally begun having their shots. Full fledged kitty cat pets now! =^. .^= =^. .^=
