CNN's "Bush resigns" headline
SusanD mentioned this in the comments last night--that CNN had briefly, accidentally displayed the headline "Bush Resigns" yesterday. Here's the image, via a post at skippy's blog entitled "12 Seconds of Joy".

SusanD mentioned this in the comments last night--that CNN had briefly, accidentally displayed the headline "Bush Resigns" yesterday. Here's the image, via a post at skippy's blog entitled "12 Seconds of Joy".
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:35:00 AM
Powered by Blogger. DownRight Blogger Theme v1.4 created by (© 2007) Thur Broeders
Howard is first, as per protocol. . . .
ReplyDeleteRenee, thank you! Believe I know how frustrating it can be. ♥
ReplyDeleteAnd that said, blogger is HTTPS, and secure sites will not work with my accelerator. So moonbeams all. Love you, really I do!
ReplyDeleteHello, am I all alone here?
ReplyDelete- nordy
Progress with our raccoon trapping; night before last, a small opossum. Last night, a large opossum. Raccoons any time now!
ReplyDeleteI think I have logging on here figured out; had to set up a Google account, because this computer doesn't know my old password and neither do I.
Scotts/Miracle-Gro replied to my letter in favor of WormPoop with a long missive of the standard corporate PR type. I gave them a pretty warm response, and told them we would be boycotting all their products (which we had used for decades) henceforth.
Looks like my google account just shows my name. LOL
Wasn't aware of the https thing, puddle. Wonder if that still happens if you don't do the "have comments open in a separate window" thing. Guess I'll check that out.
ReplyDeleteDr. Demento is doing a tribute to Bobby "Boris" Pickett who died of leukemia last week. He is, of course, most famous for The Monster Mash. His last recording was The Climate Mash. (click)
Nope, no matter what route I take, the commenting seems to be https.
ReplyDeleteBut that's what you have on your own blog, puddle.
Maybe I'm not understanding the "won't work with my accelerator" bit. Most likely I'm not, since I don't know what an accelerator is...
Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDelete(from one happy mutha...)
ReplyDeleteThe Bush resigns thing at CNN wasn't a mistake, it fell through a wormhole in time from several months in the future.
If you are having trouble posting a link, try using the "other" option. And, enter the URL in the home page field. know, like in the old "click my name" days.
ReplyDeleteRenee ~~ Accelerators are pretty important on dial-up. It saves the old part of the page, and only has to download the new part. Allows dial-up to load as much as 20X faster than regular dialup. Especially important when your line speed is as bad as mine (19 KBS on a really good day, and as low as 11 KBS on bad ones)
ReplyDeleteThis is confusing. Did this get through?
ReplyDeletethanks for your advise, anonymous, or i would never have blogged again! of course that might be a benefit to others...
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day--I know from reading countless posts here that this is a community of extraordinary moms!
For an amazing picture of my youngest granddaughter, click my name.
ReplyDeleteNo, Renee, the https seems to be a function of blogger2. I tried to change it since it seems so pointless, but haven't found anywhere to do so. Just new blogger issues. . . . Live. Learn.
One good thing about this, lol! By the time it's finished, everyone will have learned how to post on baby, too. (Been getting mighty lonely over there, lol!)
ReplyDelete"The Subway Serenade said...
The Bush resigns thing at CNN wasn't a mistake, it fell through a wormhole in time from several months in the future.
5/13/2007 09:57:00 AM "
Maybe Hiro sent the message back... :)
Impeach The Cheerleader. Save The World.
At church today, I found out that there was an article in the Columbus Dispatch about Monday night's B.R.E.A.D. assembly. I wanted to find that article so that I could post a bit of it, but got sidetracked by this piece about the Ohio Democratic Party event where Senator Clinton headlined last night.
ReplyDeleteResurgent Democrats wild for Clinton
Okay, the headline already has me nauseated, so I don't know that I feel like reading the article, but I figured I'd pass it along in case anyone else is interested. Now to see if I can still find the article I was looking for...
Oh, Renee! BARF! I like to stay informed, but *that* headline is just too much for me.
ReplyDeleteDealing with the stupid Security Alert box thingy is no problem. Just click the "Yes" button. Presto. Why there should be a system that asks you if you want to display the *nonsecure* items has always puzzled me. I've seen it elsewhere as well, including at the IBA, of course, that being a Blogger blog. Just another stupid piece of technojunk.
Sounds like great progress, Alan. LOL
Trapped Kitty Survives Thirty-Five Day Voyage
Also clicky, if all goes well...
As I was saying:
ReplyDeleteIraqis Resist U.S. Pressure to Enact Oil Law
by Tina Susman
Los Angeles Times 5/13/2007
BAGHDAD - It has not even reached parliament, but the oil law that U.S. officials call vital to ending Iraq’s civil war is in serious trouble among Iraqi lawmakers, many of whom see it as a sloppy document rushed forward to satisfy Washington’s clock.
Opposition ranges from vehement to measured, but two things are clear: The May deadline that the White House had been banking on is in doubt. And even if the law is passed, it fails to resolve key issues, including how to divide Iraq’s oil revenue among its Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni regions, and how much foreign investment to allow. Those questions would be put off for future debates.
The problems of the oil bill bode poorly for the other so-called benchmarks that the Bush administration has been pressuring Prime Minister Nouri Maliki’s government to meet.
It is I, Alan in CA, here represented as abarbour...and sans gravatar. Close enough.
ReplyDeleteDo I get my balloons back if I post on this thread?