From puddle
Crossposted at Wordpress, because Blogger is vexing me again. But not enough to actually switch this blog completely over to Wordpress, because that would be a huge pain in the a--.
Hi. About half an hour til next visiting.
Am at a loss to thank you guys. And usually don't have enough energy left to even try (bless Thankful!!) She reads me parts of threads and relays messages, and I need to keep telling you how wonderful you all are, and how much I'm depending on you. I also relay your messages to Edwin, and I'm sure he hears them and is as glad for you all as I am.
And thank you Howard!!!
puddle | 09.11.06 - 5:34 pm
And here's what Thankful wrote a little earlier...
Edwin Update
No dramatic news from this visit - but they restarted the nutrition so he's getting a great liquid steak dinner. Fingers were a little colder than last night but of no concern. Some time this afternoon he'll be switched to a different bed that helps prevent bed sores! Call me crazy but that says they're expecting him to stick around long enough to possibly get bed sores )))))))))))))))))))))))))
~ ~ ~
What we wanna know is - is there any news on Subway?
and puddle sez thank you thank you thank you
Thankful | 09.11.06 - 5:12 pm
From Renee--here's the link to Edwin's candle page. Also, Barbara in Seattle has pictures of puddle and Edwin on her DFA link page. Hopefully she doesn't mind that I snagged one of the pictures so that people who don't have a DFA login would be able to see it.

The instructions Agatha posted about sending a check or donating via PayPal to help puddle with expenses can be found here.
Alternate link for comments
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