Shoeleather Democracy Saturday
From Yellow Dog Sammy at Ohio 2006:
Today I attended one of many local canvassing events across the country initiated by the Democratic National Committee, this one at the home of blogger Cindy Zawadzki of HeightsMom. Meena Morey Chandra arrived (with the Chandra triplets) and spoke briefly on behalf of her husband, Attorney General candidate Subodh Chandra (D-Cleveland).

puddleriver has a post up about the the peace march in NYC and tabling for Tasini (who is running against Hillary Clinton in the primary).
I noticed in the comments at puddle's blog that one of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists has paid a visit. Such patriotism. I am humbled, truly. Bordering on verklempt, or something like that.
Day was beautiful and cool. Our table was two down from Billionaires for Bush, and two up from the NY Green Party. Fantastically easy getting people to sign the "troops out, NOW" petition. Everyone was in a great mood, but a little sad: as one woman, a little younger than I said: "Why are we here, *again*?
I asked a policeman if he didn't want to sign my petition, and said he'd love to, but his hand was worn completely out from signing petitions [grin]. . . .
After, we went to a little restaurant for a celebration for Tasini volunteers, who included: Raging Grannies, Code pink, and assorted other young and old, black and white, volunteers. And Jonathan Tasini, who actually Marched in the protest.
There's also a post about the NYC peace march up at Booman Tribune, and it's got a lot of pictures. has a post called "One Million Doors" which includes photos of Howard Dean with his canvassing group in Charlotte, NC.

So, what else is going on?
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