President Cheney's Goose Is Cooked
Sylvie was going to post a thread today but had unexpected guests. I just got back from London not too long ago, so I haven't had time to think of anything. All right, sure, it was London, Ohio, but I was still out all day.
So as a quick solution, I just thought I'd rustle up a link to an article. This one is from the Huffington Post, and is full of Fitzmas/Fitzukkah spirit. Needs a good Cheney/goose graphic to go with it though...
President Cheney's Goose is Cooked
The indictment today of Scooter Libby marks the beginning of the end of one of the most bold and cutthroat rises to power in American history. Dick Cheney was a former congressman from Wyoming, former Secretary of Defense and finally CEO of Halliburton. Not bad for a guy who flunked out of Yale.
Twice. Then one night he gets a call that he had been waiting for all his life. His old boss George senior asks him to pick a vice-presidential candidate to run behind his inexperienced son. We know that Dick wanted to be President himself because he actually ran for that office in 1996 but dropped out before the first primary when he realized that someone of his dull looks and anti-charisma didn't stand a chance. This second time around he must have understood that by hiding behind a glib, telegenic heir to an important political family he could have all the power of the Presidency without that pesky problem of people actually having to like him. So instead of suggesting a VP who might actually help carry an important region or state, Cheney convinced the Bushes to go with him, a guy from a state with a whopping three electoral votes. (Read Dick, by John Nichols to learn more.)
It was a match made in some sort of heaven. One guy burned to have the power of the Presidency, while the other guy just wanted to play one on TV.
Click here for the rest
Update...I've added a funny Cheney picture. It has nothing to do with having his "goose cooked", but I just heard about this one recently, and I found it while I was searching.

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