Saturday, July 06, 2024

The Breakfast Nook

We had Blueberry Pancakes and Danish



  1. Replies
    1. I'm beginning, reluctantly, to accept the suggestion that it's because Trump and the havoc he leaves in his wake make better copy than an honest, hardworking president whose stated goals are to bring decency, civility and stability back to the country, and along the way also creates, if not prosperity, then the conditions that make it possible.

      The talking heads and standup comics get more bang for the buck from the lying, cheating, stealing insurrectionist and rapist, and who gives a good goddamn if he's also an aspiring fascist dictator?

  2. I've resuscitated The Arty Blog. Come have a look at today's post and join in the discussion at "I wouldn't if I didn't think I did" - Click

    1. Hi Cat, I read the post you suggested. I especially noted the statement that You've got to keep an eye out for the slightest opportunity to change the subject from what Trump (and the mainstream media) wants it to be to what it should be..." In a lot of ways I'm no fan of the MSM, but I think it's unfair to state that its agenda is the same as Trump's --nordy

    2. They seem to be converging.

      BTW, thanks for visiting, Nordy! Can't remember the last time somebody visited my blog. Of course, before yesterday I hadn't posted on it since 2016 :( You might want to drop in tomorrow... They do say a picture's worth a thousand words...

    3. The Arty Blog (that's me) is now on the link list at the left.

  3. 95 Tuesday. The last time it was 95, my shoes melted. --nordy

  4. (AP) — British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Saturday that he is scrapping his predecessor’s controversial policy to deport asylum-seekers to Rwanda as he vowed to deliver on voters’ mandate for change, though he warned it will not happen quickly.

    “The Rwanda scheme was dead and buried before it started,” Starmer said in his first news conference since the Labour Party swept Conservatives from power after 14 years.
    Thank goodness. --nordy

  5. Just stepped outside---they say it is 108F, and whatever it is, it is hot. Tomorrow is predicted to be 112 or 115, depending on which part of the forecast one looks at. I must work on the sprinklers--that's a miserable job I have put off for years, and I suspect they need it. Will do so in the morning, before the hottest part of the day.

    1. P.S.: Our front yard is on the south side of the house, so is significantly hotter than the back yard, which is also cooled by the usual breeze coming up out of the river bottom.

    2. EEEssshh! That is just too dang hot!

    3. I was moved to see what Wikipedia had to say about Alice Springs (Australia), it being a famously warm and dry place. Evidently their climate is about like ours.

  6. In re politics, I see that the talking heads from back East are touting Gavin Newsom. I don't consider him presidential timber--- too many scandals. And it is just nonsense to not support President Biden.

    1. Correction---- SOME talking heads back East. One shouldn't tar all Easterners with the same brush.

    2. It's worse than nonsense, it's downright dangerous; and it's making my blood boil!

      A congressman from Massachusetts joined the yammer fest today. Not my congressman, not yet. He'd damned well better not either!

  7. Replies
    1. Holy Cow. It sounds like the GOP has abandoned enlightened self interest altogether. The party's demise surely must be more dramatic and thorough than that of the US Whig Party or the UK Conservative Party of today.

  8. Replies
    1. The weird thing is the gratuitous bit at the end that it won't affect Trump's case.
